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Diaryland Trading Card
11-01-2002, 9:29 am

Diaryland Trading Card...

November 01, 2002

I saw this on Nicole's journal and thought it was so adorable. So of course I had to go and make my own. Below is my diaryland trading card. Do you have one yet?

Diaryland Trading Cards!

member since Jan 2001
600+ entries
Supergold Edition

Description: A sincerely honest, loving, crazy gal who cares (sometimes too much) about family and friends. Always there when needed. Loves Hockey and Reading as well as scrapbooking and long walks. Very passionate, persistent, trusting and trust-worthy.

Strengths: Honest and Loyal. Can be trusted and counted on.

Weaknesses: Much too sensitive, and often times defensive. Can be stubborn to a fault. Doesn't go half-way with anything. All or nothing.

Special Skills: Saying the right things at the right times. Taking care of my loved ones. (Very protective).

Weapons: Camera. Never leaves home without it.

Favorite Mascot: Skates. He is just so cute, and gives the very best hugs. He is good at making you feel like he thinks you are special too.

Make your own Diaryland Trading Card!

Card's I've Collected


If you have one and I don't have it listed here, let me know. I will add yours to my list of collections as well.

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