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Back To Reality...

January 06, 2002

Time to get back into the swing of things. Even though I worked for half a day last week, it's time to get things back together now. Students are back tomorrow and work will be back to normal. I am still feeling like crap, which I so do not understand. I seem to be getting worse instead of better, and I can't understand how they can't have a better way of dealing with this. The infection is still hurting so bad. Every night I go to bed, hoping that when I wake up, it will feel better, but so far no such luck. I will tell you, as much as you are probably tired of reading about this, I am tired of it being the only thing going on too.

I had every intention of doing stuff other than laying around today. I got up, and did the dishes (Stephen left early for his basketball game) but then I started feeling really sick to my stomach...great, just what I needed. So far it's only been painful, not really making me feel sick, guess that was not enough, LOL. I ended up laying around most of the day and watching the Bears game and stuff. Stephen got home and laid down with me and Shadow laid with us and we all took a nap, LOL. I think that I've taken a nap every day this year so far, go me. Actually, I don't think I did yesterday, and in fact, I had such a hard time falling asleep last night. I am pretty tired now though, so I think I should be okay tonight. The biggest problem is that when I lay down, all I can do is think about how much it hurts, at least when I am doing something, I can forget for a bit. I really am glad that I have to work tomorrow for that reason.

When we got up, Stephen asked if I still wanted to go to the movies, and I did, but then I didn't feel great, so we decided to hold off on it and go when we were sure I wasn't going to be running to the bathroom every 10 minutes. I did work on some scrapbook stuff for a while though, which I am really glad for, I wanted to do so all weekend long, man, a whole weekend at home and I got nothing done. I want to finish my stuff for the swap that Cory and I are doing for each other. I did a whole layout for her tonight and started another, which means that I am about half way done...yay. I hope she gets some done too so we can show each other this weekend. With the holidays and stuff, we got behind on all that stuff, so it's time to get back into it. I also need to start catching up on my books, with the holidays and Sherry's book and all that, I got wayyyy behind on my own.

Oh, I don't know if I ever wrote about it, but Sherry and Chuck LOVED their wedding scrapbook. They really did, and they were so excited about it. I am glad that I worked so hard to get it done in time. Totally worth it.

Only a few more days until Tonya gets here!! I don't even care if I don't feel better by then, I am going to have a great time no matter what. I decided how to work out the games for this weekend now. I called to take care of it, but have to fax them some stuff, so I will take care of all of it tomorrow, but at least I know what I am doing now, and that makes it so much easier. Now I have to get this house clean and ready and figure out what to cook and all that fun stuff. Hopefully we will all get a chance to talk tomorrow and plan everything.

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