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Laughter and Dreams
01-15-2003, 10:48 p.m.

It's amazing how much time I have spent playing this game. I got home from work, and started playing right away. Stephen even went and got us dinner, meaning that I didn't have to cook. Now, it's not that bad, I *was* going to cook, but he said that he didn't want me to have to do anything this week since it was my birthday week, hehe, awww. I just looked at the clock and I can't believe how late it is already, where the heck does the time go. I have an *awesome* Zoo going though, and I hate to stop playing when I still have so many ideas, giggle. I guess there is always tomorrow, I so need to try to get to bed at least a little earlier tonight. I have been so tired.

I haven't been wanting to get up in the morning to work out the past few days, mostly because I have been going to be so late, but the more I try to talk myself into going back to sleep, the more guilty I feel, and then I can't go back to sleep anyway, so I might as well get my workout done. It's been a good thing, because the last thing I want to do is get off track with that. I haven't been doing so great with my eating. Well I haven't been doing so bad with it either, just nothing exceptionally good like last week, but they can't all be great weeks, although I am not sure why not, hehe.

Stephen and I have both been in goofy moods tonight, so we've been goofing around with each other a lot, and spending a lot of time cracking up, over nothing really. In fact, Cory called earlier, and I was laughing so hard, I couldn't even tell her why, and when I did, it sounded stupid. It's been some of those, have to be there moments. Sometimes though, it doesn't matter why, what matters is that you take the time to laugh together.

Speaking of laughter, Laura (my friend at work) came back to work today. She had been on vacation since before Christmas, and I missed her a lot. She and I spend a lot of time laughing during the day because there is a door to her office in my office, and so we can just yell out to talk to each other. She is the one who has the condo in Florida, and she had been down there, taking care of maintenance things, like painting and the such. She was telling me how great the place looks, and then kept saying how I should go back this summer, hehe. I think she is right. I loved it there. So did Cory, and we are even talking about maybe going back with our hubbies. Now that *would* be fun! Who knows if it is something that would really work out or not, but it is fun to talk about it and dream. I keep thinking about how it would be so fun to do it with all of us, but then I remember that Tonny is too far away, and Jen and Don would never be able to find a babysitter for a few days. Sometimes life makes it hard to plan fun stuff, lol. Good thing that I like to dream, even that can be fun at times.

Man this week is flying by. Can't be because I've spent half of it in front of this game can it?

On that note, my eyes are tired, and so I am. Good Night.

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