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A New Day
03-25-2003, 9:19 p.m.

I really feel like going for a walk right now, so I am going to keep this short, since Stephen won't let me go if I leave much later than now. I did go to the gym this evening, so I got my workout in, but it's been so beautiful outside that I just cannot resist the urge to get out there.

I would have gone to walk earlier, but I really wanted to watch the Celine special that was on tonight, and to catch up on Oprah from yesterday with Celine. I will say this much, if I didn't already have tickets to her show, I would be ordering them right this minute. It looks so very amazing, and I am so excited to be going. 2 months from tonight in fact. I can't believe that in 2 months I will be in Vegas with Tonny. It seems like it's been forever since I seen her last and in some ways it has been. It's going to be such a great time.

After watching the special tonight, and seeing all the cute dresses that the ladies in the audience were wearing (yah yah, leave it to me to notice something like that), I really have an urge to get a cute little dress to take to wear when we go. Little being the key word.. which means that a walk is really in order, so off I go.

I've really needed some inspiration lately. I don't know what my problem has been but I've had such a hard time moving forward. Instead I seem to be inching my way backwards and this has to stop. I have to turn this around somehow, and I will. I think that part of it has been the fact that everytime I go to the gym it's so dang crowded lately, and I can't go in the mornings because we've been getting into work earlier this quarter since Stephen doesn't have to stay until 5. Plus, it's been so nice out that I really just have been enjoying walking outside rather than inside. But I really don't think I get the same workout. I tend to go slower outside, and while it's still exercise, it just is not the same. What I need to do is get back to where I was last summer...exercising, but still going for pleasure walks later. That is when I was doing my best. Maybe I can even start working out at work once in a while again. I don't know. I am sure it will all come together somehow. Starting now, I am off for a walk, goodnight.

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