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Olympics and Other Games
08-19-2004, 9:46 p.m.

I've really been caught up in watching the Olympics each night, and while that is not an entirely bad thing, it does make for some tired mornings. I've been feeling off for the past few days too, and I know that it is because I am not getting enough sleep, but I can't make myself turn it off though. I guess I will catch up on some sleep after the Olympics are over, until then... go USA! The only problem I am having with any of this, is that I keep finding out who the winners are throughout the day and then there are no surprises at night. You would think that this would make it easier to turn it off and go to bed.. but nope, just doesn't work that way. Let me just clarify that I do not want to know the results... but they will happen to announce them on the radio, or someone at work will tell me... it sucks. Then of course, everyone around me says.. NO, don't tell me!! Sure make me suffer on my own. My Brother-in-law was over tonight and I kept teasing him and saying that I was going to tell him. Now he keeps calling me saying.. did you see that... did you see that... and then hanging up before I can tell him anything, lol.

Yesterday I was feeling particularly foggy in the head, and it reminded me of when June was little. One time I said that I was feeling foggy to Stephen, and June thought I said Froggy, cause everytime she didn't feel good for a while she would say her head was froggy. She is just too cute. She is coming for the weekend again, and I am excited about that. We are going to go to the Sox game on Saturday, and then of course to Stephen's game on Sunday. Lot's of sports in my life lately. Not that I am complaining mind you.

My mom called me tonight, just to chat when she was on her way home. That was SO nice. I can't tell you how much I've missed chatting with my mom. It's been rough going for a while now, but it seems like things are on the upswing, and for that I am so grateful. I realize that some things will never be the same, but maybe we can find a way to make a new normal, one that is not so unpleasant.

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