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That Time of Year
08-21-2002, 8:48 p.m.

That Time of Year...

August 21, 2002

This is the time of year when Stephen is the busiest, and not only is he busy, but he is under tons of stress. He is so quiet and moody at home then, and it is so hard for me to not take that personally and then we end up fighting over stupid stuff. This year I am trying really hard to remind myself that it's just the time of the year and let it go at that. I just hate it when he is quiet. Only a few more weeks and things will be back to normal though, yay! I was busy busy at work today, and probably will continue to be now until classes start. I guess it is a busy time for all of us, and maybe I am just as moody as he is and I just don't realize it.. I never thought of it that way before.. hmmm.

I didn't go workout today at work, because I was talking with Cory, and that was more important at the time, so I had to go tonight. I was tired though, but once I got there it was ok. Stephen and I had stopped at the grocery store to get groceries for him for while I am in Tennessee, and then we came home and I got the steaks marinating and it was off to the gym. Like I said, once I started, it was all good. I watched the cardioboxing class while I was doing the ellitical machine.. ouch, that looks hard, but I am determined that I will take that class someday, just not yet. I think that beginners step is just my speed for the moment, lol.

I got home, and we made dinner, which was so good, and then we cleaned up together. Now I am here writing in here, even though I really feel like laying down with my book and going to sleep. I do want to do a scrapbook layout though, and since I have it pretty much laid out already, I am going to do that after I write in here. On one of my lists (JOG), we are talking about scrapbooking and sharing some of our layouts, and that has me feeling a little motivated, and since I will be gone all weekend, it will be good to get a layout or two done before I go. I still have to pack too, but I will do that tomorrow.. man, I don't often leave that until last minute, but I surely did this time.

I almost don't want to talk about this here, because it's so sad, but we got some horrible news today. Stephen's cousin had a baby girl in June.. who was premature by a few months. She only weighed a pound and something, and was pretty sick. She was doing better though, and they even took her off the respirator a few days ago.. and they were saying that she could go home in 6 weeks. Christina and her husband were thrilled. They have 3 other children, one who is 14, and one that is 3 years and the other is 18 months, and they so couldn't wait to have their whole family together. Unfortunately, God had other plans, and their little girl died yesterday. We are all heartbroken for them, and while it's so hard to understand, we are trying. I wish them peace and hope that they can make it thru this. There is a service tomorrow and I am waiting for my MIL to call me to tell me where. If it is not out too far (they live kinda far out, but their families are all in this area, and they go to church out here and stuff), then I am going to try to go, and just take a long lunch to do so. Unfortunately I can't take the whole day off of work..because of some commitments I have, but I would like to be there. My heart and prayers are with them though. I can't even imagine how hard this has to be for them.

Sometimes life is just not fair. So many people I know are trying so hard to have babies and they would be such wonderful parents, and yet they struggle, just as I do.. and now this. It makes you start to lose your faith at times. I am trying to decide about going back to my RE myself, to start trying again, and now this puts me back into the frame of mind where I don't think I could withstand another loss. I called yesterday though to get a referral to see my RE, and I think that I will make the appointment when I get it, but I am so scared.. I am just not so sure that I want to throw myself back into that again.. it was so hard the last time. I just don't know... I guess only time will tell.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Tonya said that she has a surprise for me for Friday.. somewhere we are going.. hmmm, I can't wait to find out what that is about, hehe. I love surprises, so this should be fun.
  2. I can't believe that I am leaving the day after tomorrow... we are going to have such an awesome time. I was looking at some websites earlier with things to do in that area, and there are just so many things to choose from, and so many thing that I would love to do, but we just don't have time to do them all. This of course means that we are going to have to go back again, and this time with Jen and Cory!! Gonna miss them this time.
  3. One more entry for Florida and it is just a small one, and I am going to do it tomorrow, so that means my goal of having it done before I go to Tennesee will be met, yay. I knew I could do it, hehe.
  4. What do you think of my new layout. I really love it a lot so far. I like the Latest section too, it will be fun to talk about the books I am reading and what pages I am scrappin and of course what is for dinner. I am hoping that it will keep me motivated too, know what I mean.

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