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Brian's Birthday
09-18-2003, 8:44 p.m.

Things have been so crazy lately, work is so busy and I just don�t know how I am going to get done everything that I need to get done. By the time I get home from work I am just exhausted and I don�t feel like doing anything, and most times I haven�t been, which is not really a good thing, considering all the things I should be getting done. Tomorrow night is going to be a very busy night, but I�ve done that to myself, and that�s ok. Jen was going to spend the night, with Nicole, and Chuck was going to bring June over for me, even though he too is busy, but I decided to tell him that I could wait to see her on Saturday, and Jen and I decided to do our sleepover on a night when we both don�t have a million things to do. We have tons to get ready for Cory�s shower on Saturday, so while I will miss spending the time with Jen, it does give us both more time to get it all done.

I am really so very excited about Cory�s shower on Saturday. Excited, and just a little nervous too. I just want it to turn out so perfect, and to be something that she will remember for always. I know that it will be good no matter what, but I am a worry-er by nature, and so until this is over, I will worry that something will go wrong.

Tonight we went to dinner at my in laws, which was nice since I haven�t seen them since before my trip. They are leaving for Vegas on Tuesday, so we won�t get to see them next week, and I am busy this weekend (with showers) so I won�t be able to see them then either. We had a nice time over there, and it�s fun getting to see the worst one so much too. With Kevin and Nicole living there, we get to see a whole lot more of Kathleen, and she is just so adorable. Her new thing now is trying to scare people� loves Halloween decorations, and walks around pretending to be a monster. Oh yah, and she also likes to put her fingers in her ears and talk really really loud.. what a goof.

I took my MIL the gifts that I had gotten for her on my trip, and she loved them so very much, especially the hand carved cross that I bought for her in Mexico. She hung it up right away, and then kept saying how perfect it looked where she hung it. She said that it looks like it was made for there, and she was just so thrilled with it. I knew she would love it, and I am so glad that I talked the guy into a price that I could afford, I knew it would be perfect. I love giving people the stuff I get them when I am on vacation, just as much as I love getting trinkets from other people�s vacations.

Speaking of gifts, today is my newphew Brian's 6th Birthday. I called him tonight, and he had fun telling me about all his presents, and about his cake and stuff. I can't believe how grown up he is, and I told him that... he told me, yah, but I still love you so very much Aunt Vicki. That is good to know, so very good.

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