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A Tad Bit Boring or Am I?
11-02-2004, 3:46 p.m.

I'm Just a Tad Boring
I'm Just a Tad Boring
Take Just How Interesting Are You? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

People don't avoid you, but they don't exactly flock to hear your stories, either. You could stand to be a little more intriguing. Try wearing a red cloak, carrying a sword, and speaking only in French. If that fails to spice things up, try building your house entirely out of popsicle sticks.

Me boring??? Man, I always suspected I might be, but this just proved it. Oh wait, I am not sure I answered that one question correctly... then again my friends do tend to fall asleep when I talk... so who knows. At least I am only a Tad boring... hate to be the really boring person.

I voted this morning, and now I've been talking politics with anyone who will talk back. Maybe THAT is boring. That's it.. I am in a boring mood today! It's just for today though.. tomorrow I will be back with my lively self.

Hello out there!!! Do you think I am boring? Maybe I am so boring that I only have like no readers.. and I am talking to myself. Oh wait, that is the point... isn't it? Or is it?

Now, not only am I boring, but I am confused as well...

Oh and we can Thank Tonya for this quiz.. Thanksssss Tonya.. I could have lived without knowing I am boring...was this your subtle way of telling me? Well Ha on you...

I'm Pretty Darn Interesting!
I'm Pretty Darn Interesting!
Take Just How Interesting Are You? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

You may not be the life of the party, but people generally find you a fun-loving font of interesting stories, jokes, and wit. With just a little more work, you could easily become the most interesting person you know!

There I changed my answer.. not so boring anymore! Phew I can sleep tonight.

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