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Craft Night

Craft Night...

November 07, 2001

Tonight, I am going to Rita's house to work on some crafts. Who is Rita? Well, she is a professor in Stephen's department. Nice lady, very sweet. But I get the feeling she is lonely. She isn't married, and as far as I know she is not dating anyone, nor does her family live too nearby. Stephen was a little skeptical at first about me doing this, just because he is a pretty private person, and doesn't really want be being all buddy-buddy with a member of his department, especially a higher up member. I guess I can understand that, I certainly would not want him going to hang out with my boss or anything. But then when he saw how excited Rita has been about it, he changed his mind... well, at least with the condition that I don't talk about personal stuff with her. LOL... ya know, like our sex life and stuff... As if..

I found out today, that it is actually Rita's birthday. Awww, I can't believe that she wants to spend her birthday doing crafts with me. But then in another way, when I see how happy she is about it, I am glad that I am doing this with her. I just wish that I knew it was her birthday sooner, because I would have gotten her a little something, or at least made a cake.

Tonight we are making... oops, can't say. I am making Christmas crafts for a few friends of mine who happen to read this journal. Oh well, there ya have it... I am making Christmas crafts, and we will leave it at that. Stephen is going to work late (until 9:00) and supervise the open lab. He is not too thrilled about doing it, but they did need someone for today and since I am going to Rita's and she lives out here, why not.

Rita is making dinner for us. We ate lunch in the cafeteria today, and brought back extras for Stephen's dinner, so at least I don't have to worry about him going hungry in the process. It should be a pretty fun night, or at least I hope it will be. Rita is already trying to plan our next craft night (at my house too, wonder how Stephen will like that one)... um, let's get thru this one first, shall we.

On another note... one more wake-up and I will be able to say that I've been married for 10 years... wow, where does the time go?

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