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Weekend Fun
12-05-2003, 11:12 p.m.

I went to Jen�s tonight after work to pick Tonya up. I worried about the traffic, but it really wasn�t so bad at all, and we had fun on the way home talking anyway. We stopped at Hobby Lobby to pick up a few things that we needed to work on our crafts, and then at the grocery store to get some stuff for dinner and for tomorrow. We are planning on just relaxing most of the weekend, and hanging out. We need to make a list, and get some stuff for Sunday and tomorrow we are going to bake and get ready for that. I also think that we are going to go to the movies tomorrow to see Bad Santa. Jen kept the girls at her house for the weekend, and that really seems like a don�t take the kids movie, so we might as well take advantage of that fact.

Now we are stitching and watching Harry Potter. They are waiting for me to finish the movie, so I better go. Actually I am getting tired and am almost ready for bed. Ton and I want to get up early to go to the gym. She is going to take a yoga class and I am going to do my workout. Should be fun. I actually signed Tonya up for the gym the other night as most of her christmas present this year. I gave it to her early though so that she can start using it, and plus they had a GREAT sale that was only good up until tomorrow, so it made sense to do it now. She was so excited, and I am so glad. I think that I am really going to enjoy having a workout buddy and I think that is going to get me back into gear. Tonight we made big salads with chicken for dinner and it reminded me how much I enjoyed that when I was doing the low-carbs... and I think that on Monday, I am going to give that a try again... 2 weeks, I can do it! I would start now, but I am planning on enjoying Couples Night Thanksgiving on Sunday first... oh boy am I going to enjoy that!

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