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Something's Gotta Give
12-18-2003, 11:52 p.m.

Okay, I give up!! I am going to call my doctor in the morning. I am not getting better, and this cough is just getting worse and worse, and I just have to do SOMETHING. I hate to have to go, but I just can�t continue to hope that it just gets better. I even wonder if I don�t have walking pneumonia at this point. It�s time.

We got some bad news this morning. Stephen�s aunt passed away. We knew that it was coming. She had cancer, and was having a really hard time with it lately. Still, I prayed that she would make it through Christmas, for her family, and maybe that was a selfish prayer, because obviously she is no longer in pain, but when you look at her family and know what they are dealing with, it�s hard not to wish for other things. Stephen�s cousin actually called him on Monday and told us that she wasn�t doing so great and asked him if he would be a pallbearer when the time came. We knew then that it was pretty bad, but still it was so sad to hear this morning that she passed last night. Sigh.

Anyway, I need to get back to work on these gifts for work. Tomorrow is our last day at work and then we are on vacation until January 5th, yay. Actually Stephen ended up asking for tomorrow off too, because the wake is tomorrow and all that. We are going to go, but he might have to take his parents, in which case I would meet them there after work. Also, he is going to go with Tonya in the morning to take the girls to the airport so that she doesn't get lost, and also in case she is upset after they get on their flight. I am glad he is going with her. Anyway though, my point is that I need to take our gifts for work, and I have to finish getting them wrapped and stuff... bad bad me. I tell you this being sick for so long has really affected all that I have been doing. Something has so got to give on this.

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