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Trick or Treat
10-31-2002, 8:49 p.m.

Trick or Treat...

October 31, 2002

Have I mentioned how much I love Halloween? I really do. I love the decorations, the costumes, the faces of the little kids as you pass out their favorite candies to them. I love hearing their excited voices as they say Trick or Treat. It is one of my favorite holidays.

As we usually do on Thursday nights, we went over to Stephen's parents house for dinner. We were hoping to see all the kids while we were there as well, but Nicole had been there earlier with the kids and had to leave to take the older kids home. I thought she was coming back with the baby, but I guess she got caught up other places, and Michelle had her kids over at the park because both older boys had football practice (both their teams made the playoffs and they start on Sunday) so I didn't get to see any of the kids, which totally makes me sad. I had wanted to stay longer and see if they all came earlier, but Stephen wanted to get home to watch the shows. I was a little disappointed, but we didn't know if they were coming back or not anyway. Oh good, the phone just rang and it was my brother. He said that they might stop over with Brian, Megan and Sarah. That would totally be cool, and I hope they do.

I talked to Chrissy and June for a while. I miss seeing them on Halloween. We took them trick or treating every year of their lives until about a year ago when they started moving further away and it just became harder to manage. Sherry HATES halloween, and she has since we were kids, so when the kids were born, she was more than happy to let us be the ones to take them. I miss that a lot. I am glad I got to talk to them at least. June was a pumpkin witch, and Chrissy didn't dress up.. she is too old, snicker.. yah okay.. the joys of being a freshman. Bet she dresses up next year, lol. She loves it as much as I do, and it killed her not to dress up this year.

I got my treat this morning at least.. hehe.. some loving in the morning. I woke Stephen up and said Trick or Treat, and he gave me a good treat.. what a guy. What a great way to start off the day.. that and the sunshine that we had this morning really improved my mood.. now if only I could get rid of this huge cold sore I have on my lip... it hurts so bad, and I hate it so much. I have been fighting off a cold for a few weeks though, and with all the stress I had with work, it's no surprise that I got one.. I knew it was coming before I got it, and I wasn't wrong. Stephen and I have plans to go get our pictures done on the 9th.. I sure hope this thing is totally gone before then, or I won't go. I tell you, just having a cold sore can make you feel so icky.. you hate people seeing you because you feel like they are staring at it, and it always seems so much bigger than it really is. Okay, how did this paragraph start out about sex and end up about cold sores? LOL, some combination there.

I just got done watching survivor... wow!! I never saw that coming, what a twist. I loved it. I can't wait to see what happens next week, this certainly changes everything.. just when you think this game has gotten predictable, watch out. I love this show, and I never get tired of it. I was telling Cory today, I wish they had it on 5 days a week so that we could see more of what is really going on with these people. We taped Friends and Will and Grace, and now I am watching CSI and waiting for ER. Man, I love TV on Thursdays... and really that has been the only night I've been watching TV at all lately, but I can't miss that.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I just talked to my MIL. They all showed up again after we left. Figures. Stephen offered to go back with me, but I figure that by the time we got back over there, they would all be gone anyway. I guess I will just have to not have a halloween page in my scrapbook this year, pout. Good thing we did the pumpkin patch at least, lol
  2. I had a lot of catching up to do at work today, but tomorrow should be a lot easier and then things should be back to normal, yay. It is nice to be less stressed. Now I can start catching up on other stuff that I need to get done, and maybe get caught up on email too.
  3. Happy Halloween to everyone! I hope that you had a great day with your families, and that you mostly got treats, rather than tricks.

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