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A guest entry from Cory...

A guest Entry from Cory...

October 21, 2001

Sooo, here's the guest entry from me, that I was supposed to do for Vicki on Friday. But, Jen took care of that for me, since I never heard from Vicki before I left work. :)

V did call on Friday night, but I was gone, and Jim talked to her for a second. I pumped him for information when I got home, but he didn't find out much from her. He's sick, and was pretty out of it. He said their flight went fine, and they got there safe and sound. That was all he knew. LOL Men. Useless things they are sometimes.

Then V called again last night, but we were out!! She left a long message on the machine though, saying that they were just having a fabulous time! Stephen was playing poker, and she was getting ready to see a dolphin show at the Mirage. She said the wedding was BEAUTIFUL and went wonderfully, and that everything is Vegas is just fabulous. Their hotel is Great...they're staying at Harrahs and she said it's just beautiful. Actually, she said everything is just SOOO amazing, and I've GOT to go there sometime. (ohhh, Jimmm?)

I can't wait until they both get back, and I get to hear more about their trip and everything they did, and see all the pictures. I know she'll have millions. She said she had 16 rolls of film, and I'm willing to bet she used it all up, and then some probably. hehehe We'll see.

They're supposed to be getting back this afternoon, around 2:30pm-ish, so I'm sure V will be online updating about her trip, as soon as she can.

Until then, this is Cory, signing off......Vicki, I can't wait 'till you get back hon.

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