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And They're Gone

And They're Gone...

January 05, 2002

I think that we all woke up crabby this morning, knowing that the girls were going home. Sherry called early (around 9:00) and said that she was on her way. The girls both cried "so early???". LOL, luckily Sherry wanted to spend the day here, and didn't leave with them until 4:30. We had a nice day, although June got pretty moody when it got time to go home. I still remember her being a baby and screaming when it was time to go home. I used to have to hide when they came to get her, because she would hold out her arms to me and just scream and scream. I am glad that she just gets moody now. Sometimes I wonder if it is cruel for me to keep putting her thru that, but the thought of not having them spend time here is a much more horrible thought.

And even though I miss them terribly, I do not regret them staying. We had a great vacation together, and I look forward to this every year. Besides, I know how much they love me, and how much they like being here, and that is enough. I am so fortunate that Sherry and Chuck let me have them as much as they do. This is something that I do not/will not lose site of.

We had a fun day. First we watched a scary movie together, and then we went to the Olive Garden for lunch, yum, and even had some yummy dessert. Then we came home and played spoons, and some other games until it was time for them to go home.

I am still feeling icky. I thought that the antibiotics would be helping me feel better by now, but no such luck yet, maybe tomorrow... hopefully tomorrow.

Stephen just got home from basketball practice and hanging out with the guys. He promised to be home before the Wolves game started on TV, so that we could watch it together, and that is what we are going to go do (smile). My favorite things, cuddling with Stephen and shadow and watching the Wolves. They are at home tonight too, so I might even get some glimpses of Skates, giggle.

Stephen has a game early tomorrow morning, and then he wants to watch the Raiders game.. but then, tomorrow night, we are going to go to the movies together, awww, that will be fun. We are going to start my birthday week, giggle. I love my Birthday week, and I even think that I am pushing it to get a week and a half this year, hehe. Long story, but I always say one day isn't enough and I want a whole week. One time, I got a month out of Stephen, LOL. I will write more about that tomorrow, the Wolves are starting...

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