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Friday Questions (From Dana)

Friday Questions (From Dana)...

January 04, 2002

I took this from Dana's diary. She always has the cutest/most fun things in hers. I really liked this one...and so I decided to borrow it for my own.

1. You've just won a complete collection of movies starring one actor - what actor would you pick?

Wow, that is a tough one, and the truth is, I've never been very good at questions like this (questions like, who is your favorite this or that, of if you could pick one of something, who/what would it be). I could think of a million and at the same time none at all. Let's see, I bet I can come up with one though...thinking...thinking... perhaps Harrison Ford, I can think of a lot of movies of his that I enjoy very much and he is such a hottie... he certainly improves with age too.

2. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?

Monsters, Inc. I had taken Chrissy, June, Nicole, Lain and Kris to see it when I was watching the kids the weekend that Jen and Don went away for their anniversary. Cute movie, and we really had a good time. Before that was Harry Potter, with the same people, and Jen, LOL. It's been a while since Stephen and I have gone to the movies alone, but he really wants to see Ocean's Eleven, so maybe Sunday if I am feeling better, I can entice him into a date.

3. What was the last video or DVD that you bought?

I bought the complete 2nd Season of the Soprano's on DVD for Stephen as a Christmas present. OMG, how hard was that. Seemed like every place only had them on video. I had my mom, Sherry, Jen and Cory all looking for them as well, and finally Cory came up with a copy. I was so thrilled and still can't thank her enough. Stephen was so glad to get them, and has already watched every episode at least 3 times. The last DVD I got was the Grinch that Stole Christmas, as a gift from Shadow kitty (and Stephen of course).

4. What movie could you watch over and over again and not get sick of?

Oh man, I could name a whole bunches of these, told you I was not good at picking just one thing, hehe. There is Xanadu, which I watch quite often (Tonya bought me a copy on DVD, bless her, giggle). Then there is one of my all time favorites, The Outsiders (Sherry got me that DVD, yum), Grease, Dirty Dancing, The Cutting Edge, Star Wars, Any Disney movie... LOL, told you that there are a lot. Stephen and the girls are the same way, and they are (as I type this) watching Galaxy Quest for the 1000000 time this week. They love that one. They have been sitting in the living room all day playing cards and having a movie day. I think this is the 2nd time today for this movie. I like it too, but not as much as they do. I am definitely one who can watch movies over and over though, and I am the same way with books.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?

Tomorrow, Sherry is coming over to spend a little time with me, and to take the girls home. I am going to miss them so very much, sigh. My brother asked me to babysit Brian tomorrow night, but I told him that it depends how I feel. Hopefully by then, the antibiotics will have cleared up some of this infection, if not, another evening in bed, probably finishing up the 4th Harry Potter book. Stephen has basketball practice tomorrow too, so I don't think we will be do much more than that. Sunday, we have no plans. If I feel better though, a movie does sound like a good idea. This is one of those weekends when I am just playing it by ear with no real plans.

Wow, that was fun. And now, I am going to bed... but before I go, one last thing...Never Give Up! Never Surrender!...hehe, I am hearing that one in my sleep tonight.

Much Later Note! I found out that these questions originally came from Leslie (hehe, Thanks Leslie), and that they are part of a weekly thing... called the Friday Five. I am going to check them out. Thanks for letting me know Leslie.

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