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Doctor Visit

Doctor Visit...

January 04, 2002

I feel like I haven't written anything fun or positive yet this year, and I totally hate that feeling. I know that I've been feeling pretty icky, but really it hasn't been all totally bad. I have been enjoying having the girls, and we have been doing fun stuff together. Well fun stuff that consists of staying home, since I am just not up to more than that, but like I said it's not been all bad.

This morning, I felt pretty crummy, so I laid in a very warm tub, and that actually made me feel better for a while. I was counting down the minutes until my doctor appointment, this was one that I actually WANTED to go to, LOL. They saw me right way, which was nice and I wasn't there all that long. They did a urine test, and they said that I still have lots of blood in my urine which indicates that the stones are still present, but I also had lots of white blood cells in my urine which indicates an infection. DUH, I've only been saying that for days. The good news, they stared me on antibiotics...the bad news, it's not guranteed that they will help me feel better right away. I guess if the stone is present in the bladder right now, that could be causing some of the pain as well. They gave me more pain pills (more vicodin, yuck) and I asked for some lesser ones, so I also got some prescription strength ibuprofen. I will use that during the day and the vicodin at night, so at least I don't feel totally drugged, and I am not sleeping every spare minute.

After I got the prescriptions filled (well while they were being filled, Chrissy and I did a little grocery shopping, since she went with me to my appointment), we got some movies, and we are just having a relaxing evening at home. I was going to work on my scrapbooks a little while Stephen played cards with the kids, but I just can't seem to concentrate...why force it. I think I will lay down and read some more. Well, first I am going to play a few games of spoons with Stephen and the girls...nothing like fighting over spoons to help you forget everything else, hehe.

I am soooooooooo sad that the girls are going home tomorrow, and so are they. I hate this part, LOL...I really do. Still, I keep thinking about next weekend, and that has me cheered up. Tonya will be here in a week, and Jen and Cory are spending the weekend at my house too.. it's going to be sooooo awesome. We all have been so busy that we haven't even planned our visit yet...we better get to planning!

Well, they are waiting for me to play, and dinner smells like it is almost done. This is the first time in a week that I've actually been hungry... mmmmm. Chrissy picked stuffed cabbage rolls for dinner and they smell so good. I am glad I decided to cook, I feel bad that I've not been. Yum, gotta go make some garlic bread for June, she so loves that...

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