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2 More Wake-Ups
01-11-2004, 9:25 p.m.

I had such a great time today!!! Stephen and I realized that this is the 5th year in a row that I�ve celebrated my birthday by going to a Wolves game. Well, I didn�t really plan this game as a celebration for my birthday or anything, but it still sorta was, especially with Sherry, Chuck and the girls. Sherry and Chuck just decided this morning that they wanted to go, and that was such a nice surprise. They had originally decided against going, but they said that they really wanted to because of my birthday. They even came with gifts, giggle. Chuck and the girls bought me the Shania Twain Chicago Concert on DVD and Sherry bought me this beautiful lamp.. it is really beautiful and the glass had dolphins etched on it. It is hard to describe just how beautiful it is, but maybe I will take a picture of it later.

The game was awesome! We had great seats, and it wasn�t really crowded so we had tons of room, and we just all hung out moving around gabbing and watching the game. June and Nicole had such a great time together, and I had so much fun with Stephen, Jen, Tonya, Sherry and Chuck. It was a great game too, which is always a good thing. We had the best time, and I am so glad that everyone went. Well, everyone but Cory and Jim� and they were so missed�. This is the first time in 3 years that they haven�t come. I hope though that they had a nice peaceful weekend with Andy. Some things are just more important, and that is definitely one of them.

I so love my birthday!!! I know that it�s not for 2 more days, but I have already been getting cards, and phone calls and presents. I just love everything about my birthday, and I am not a person who even minds getting older. That is a good thing. Cory, Jen, and Tonny are taking me out on Wednesday, although they won�t tell me where� I am so excited about that� and on Tuesday, Stephen, Tonny and I are just going to hang out here. Tonya is staying here until Wednesday, so that is a nice treat too.

Life is not perfect, there are quite a few things that I would change if I could� mostly this stuff with Tonya and the girls (I still have faith that things are going to work out in that area as well, hopefully sooner than later)� but for the most part, it�s good.. and I am lucky.

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