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Let's Bowl
01-10-2004, 8:32 p.m.

Today was our niece Kimberly�s birthday party. I got up early so that I could go shopping for her present (which I should have gotten during the week, ugh, hehe). I looked at several stores but they were still all sold out from Christmas, so I got her a gift from Chrissy and June and then I came home and ordered it online. She wanted Digital Blue and I was excited about getting it for her. She won�t get it for a couple of days but I put the receipt in her card with some money, and she was plenty happy with that, and excited that she knows it is coming.

They had her party at the bowling alley, which was tons of fun. We had 3 lanes going on, and each one was funny, and we were all together so it was just really a lot of fun. The adults even bowled, although we were split up amongst the kids. It was a nice afternoon. I am not the greatest of bowlers, but I have fun doing it, and I really don�t care that I am not good, so I don�t worry about it. It was actually just very nice. Afterwards we all went back to my MIL and FILs for dinner and cake and presents and hanging out time. We spent most of the day there, and had a great time. The girls are all spending the night there tonight, so it�s nice and quiet at home now.

We are watching the wolves game now. I can�t believe how very tired I am, but it�s been a long day in a lot of ways. Tomorrow we are going to the wolves game and I am *really* excited about that. We are meeting Jen and Nicole there, and we are all looking forward to it. It�s going to be fun. First though we are going to Stephen�s basketball game and then back to Stephen�s parents to pick up the girls, and hang out for a bit for his dad�s birthday, and then off to meet Jen. Going to be another busy day which makes for a short weekend, but it�s all fun stuff so I am not complaining. In fact I am quite enjoying myself.

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