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Dad and Dad
01-08-2004, 8:19 p.m.

Even during the hardest of days, family can really pick you up and make you smile. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family, both on my side, and on Stephen�s. I laugh to myself when I hear people complain about their in-laws, because I am just so blessed to have in-laws that I love every bit as much as I love my own family. They are just so wonderful, as is my own family.

Today is my dad�s birthday and my FILs birthday. (Happy Birthday Dad and Dad). We always get a kick out of the fact that they are on the same day� it�s cute. We went to my in-laws for dinner, but they are having a little party for him on Sunday, so it was mostly for our usual Thursday dinner. Delores was in with her 2 littlest ones, because she had a funeral to attend today, and some of the others were there as well, and we just had a good time sitting around talking and laughing� it was exactly what I needed to forget the turmoil that is life lately.

It was good to forget, even just for a while�

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