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Back in the Gym
01-07-2004, 9:37 p.m.

Tonight I went back to the gym. I was surprised that I remembered how to get there, hehe. Seriously, I haven�t been there in weeks, it�s been pathetic. It started when I was sick, there was no way I could go, and my doctor advised against it for a week or so� then that turned into 2 weeks and so on. I have been planning on going all week, but found one reason or another not to go, but I knew that had to stop, and though I had a million and one reasons not to go tonight, I pushed myself and went. I was only able to do 40 minutes on the treadmill before my legs started killing me, but I figure it was a start. It wasn�t as fast as I normally walk either, but it was nowhere near as slow as I used to go in the beginning either, so I am not totally behind. I will get there.

The best part is that I was able to work out some stress, and I forgot how much that helped. Even 40 minutes of forgetting sometimes is a godsend. Tonya got not so good news today, and it turns out that things are not going to be as easy as we hoped. He isn�t going to win though, we won�t stop until Tonny has her girls back, no matter how long it takes. If you are the praying sort though, please send prayers our way, it really is such a heart breaking situation all the way around. I wish that I had the answers for her, but the truth is that there is no easy answer, and now we just have to pray and hope that it turns our way. I believe that things will work out in the end, but in the meantime it is just so hard for everyone involved.

On a happier note, I want to send a birthday wish out to my sister. My sister whom I have been connecting with a lot more lately. She is really starting to realize what an idiot she can be and she is really making an effort, one that is so appreciated. I am starting to think that we might even be able to have a wonderful relationship in the future... that is such a nice thought.

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