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The Worst Things
01-05-2004, 9:16 p.m.

So when I went to check on the flight last night� I called the airline instead of checking online. While I had the lady on the phone, I asked her if she could confirm that the girls were in fact on the flight. I already had a sinking suspicion but I prayed I was wrong. Well she wouldn�t tell me, all she would do is advise their mother to call the person who was to get them to the airport. I knew, and my heart hurt as I called Tonya to tell her to check with her MIL. When they called me back and told me Mike had the girls, it was all I could do not to weep right there. I knew that we had to stay strong for Tonya, but it was her worst nightmare come to life. To think that he would let her sit there at the airport for hours, and not even tell her that they wouldn�t be there is just un-thinkable. What kind of monster would do something like that. He should have at least had the balls to be honest with her.

I still can�t believe that he kidnapped the girls� and took them back to Hawaii. It hurts to even think about what he is telling them to get them to go along with his plans. I hurt for Tonya, and I wish that I could change this for her.

Today, she did get a lot of good news, in that the affidavit that he sent her before she would send the girls to him does mean something in the eyes of the navy, and she can charge him with kidnapping. She is working on that now, and hopefully will get some results pretty quickly. In the meantime she has talked to the girls, and they sound happy which is good in that she wants them to be happy and bad in that it�s hurtful to hear, and makes us wonder even more what he is telling them. This whole thing is a shame, and it is just so very horrible in every way imaginable. What will happen next is anybodies guess, but I can only pray that it is positive, and that Tonya gets her girls back with her as soon as humanly possible. That is our greatest wish� and the only thing we have to hang on to right now. In the meantime, I am so glad that she has so many people helping her. We all love her and just want to do what we can.

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