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2 Birds
01-12-2004, 9:30 p.m.

Sometimes I really just need a kick in the butt to get moving on things and this is definitely one of them. I have been feeling really out of it and upset because I really have just given up on the gym/better me stuff. I keep saying that I am determined to get back on track, but it�s not as easy as all that. I am making a goal to do better, and hopefully I can keep that. I made the goal to walk 700 miles this year, and I am not off to such a great start, thank goodness the year is early still. I have been letting it make me depressed though and it�s been taking its toll on Stephen who finally let me have it today. He said that he doesn�t know how to make me happy, and that he is miserable because of it. He can�t seem to understand that it�s not him making me unhappy. I didn�t realize though that I was acting the way I was, and I am glad that he said something. It certainly changed my attitude, and things have been much better tonight at any rate.

I have been cross stitching so much lately and I really love it, but it is playing havoc with my other crafts. I have not worked on my scrapbooks in months, and I am just getting more and more behind, but I guess that it doesn�t matter; I only do it for myself anyway. I like keeping busy and what does it matter which craft keeps me so right? I already started working on gifts that I want to make for Christmas next year, hehe. Oh, and speaking of Christmas� I found some neat gifts for Chuck on clearance the other day, and bought them� hehe, so I already started my shopping for next year. I called Jen and teased her because she starts so early� and for once I beat her. That almost never happens. She reminded me that she already started a project for next Christmas, but I told her that doesn�t matter cause so did I� hah.

Speaking of time� over vacation I got hooked on soap operas again�. Namely All my Children and One Life to Live� since I got another Tivo for Christmas, I started Tivoing them, which is fun, but very time consuming. I am not sure I can keep up watching both of them, but for now it is at least fun. I have been watching them at night while I am stitching, so there, 2 birds with one stone type of thing, snicker. Hey, it works.

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