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Proud of Tonya
01-20-2004, 9:58 p.m.

Uh oh�

Jen, Cory and Tonya bought me the Sims for my birthday. I really wanted that game last year, and Cory had gotten it for me, but it wouldn�t work on my computer, so I ended up having to take it back and get zoo tycoon. If you are a long-term reader of this journal you will remember the next few weeks after I got that game� addiction city. Well, the first few days after having this one, I played it a little, but I really didn�t understand it much, so it was okay, I could walk away from it. Well I�ve slowly started understanding it more, and oops, I am addicted. I tried to talk myself out of the gym so I could play, lol.. but I didn�t. I went and had a great workout, and even ran out afterwards to run some errands, but as soon as I could, I started playing. I even bought an expansion pack today, but only cause it was on sale for half price, hehe. I think that I am in trouble, I can sense and addiction to this game coming. Good thing it only lasts a couple of weeks. I will get behind on my crafts of course, but luckily I don�t have any real time limits coming up� hehe� here I go.

I am so proud of Tonya... I just wanted to throw that out there. I am seeing such big changes in her life, and her whole attitude. She is miserable without the girls, but she has been staying so focused and strong, and I know it�s not easy. I tell you though, I get tied up in knots over all of this for her, so I can�t even imagine how she is feeling. I just hope that it works out and soon too. I got a bizarre call tonight, one that makes me think that she is about to be served with papers, which makes me think that Mike filed for divorce. I know this is going to be so hard for her, but the important thing is getting her girls back in the long run. Still, my heart hurts for her. I know how hard this all is, and that is what makes me even more proud of her.

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