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Out to Lunch
01-19-2004, 8:15 p.m.

I wanted to go workout this morning with Tonya before work, but I totally forgot that I had an exam this morning, so I had to rush out of the house, ugh I hate it when that happens. I was just a little bit late, which wasn't really that big of a deal and my boss was in a good mood anyway. Really he mostly cares that I am there to grade them and I was there long before that. I just felt bad though because for one, I HATE being late, and I felt silly and two because I know Tonya was looking forward to working out and I felt like I let her down too. She did, however, decide to go and workout by herself before she headed back to Jen�s and I was so glad she did, hehe. I went tonight when I got home, which was great, and now I have gone 4 days in a row. I am feeling so much better with that stuff lately. I am hoping that this is a sign of good things to come.

My friend Laura took me out to lunch for my birthday today, at PF Changs.. yummy. We had such a great time. I really enjoy spending time with her a lot. I keep saying that I should do more with her, and one of these days I am going to do just that. I think I am going to go over to her house one day next week and she is going to highlight my hair for me. That will be cool. I am excited that she said she would do that, yay. She is becoming a good friend. We can never have too many friends, hehe, and I am so lucky cause I have the best ones ever.

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