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Take Two

Take Two...

July 01, 2002

I had a really long entry typed up, and was all finished with it, but went to go back and add one thing when I lost it. I knew I should have saved it first, but I didn't, and that is just really the way this day has gone, so I guess it was to be expected. I shut down the computer and decided that I wasn't going to retype this, and I would just go without an entry for tonight, and then I came back. I don't know why, I really don't have much good to talk about at the moment anyway, and I didn't want to write a bad entry, so I worked really hard at making the last one as upbeat as possible. Maybe that's why I lost it, it was so fake, lol.

Tonight, Stephen went to go run errands and pick up dinner, and while he was in a store, our car was broken into. Someone broke out our window just to steal his cell phone. Yes, this is the 2nd time this has happened to us now.. and I am angry. I yelled at Stephen, I told him to leave me alone to calm down for a minute, but he felt so badly, and wanted to talk about it... I yelled at him for leaving the phone on the seat.. both times this has happened, he has left stuff laying out. He doesn't think about it, and it drives me nuts. He is the one who always yells at me to lock the doors and stuff, but what good does that do if you just leave it out in the open. Apparently, locked doors doesn't keep them from getting it. Instead, I got a brick thru the window and a huge freaking mess to clean up. We have to take the car in tomorrow now, to get the window replaced as well as a few other things that the brick ruined... I wish he would have had his own car, lol. I don't really mean that, and I am not mad at him, I know it's not his fault.. I just feel so angry, violated and helpless.

Kevin had stopped by to visit and he was here when Stephen got home. I feel badly, because I didn't even say anything to him when he said bye to me.. all I wanted was a few minutes to calm down. I am sure he understands though, I wasn't really mean or anything, I was just visably upset. I know that this will just be another bad memory in a few days, once the car is fixed, but gosh, I am just so upset. I am basically a good person, and I would never do something like this. I don't understand how people can be such horrible people. All that damage for a stupid cell phone. I had to call and cancel his phone service and they said that the phone hadn't been used at all... guess I should be thankful for that. All I can think about though, is having to get the car fixed, sigh.

Today was my first day back at work, and after about an hour there, it didn't feel like I had ever left. I, of course, have tons of work to do now, but that's okay. I like being busy. It was a good day at work, and in ways it was nice to be back. Especially since I only have to work 2 1/2 days, hehe, and then am off for 4, woo hoo. See I can end this journal entry on a good note. I am so ready for bed though.. tomorrow can only be better.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Happy Birthday Gerald. It's hard to believe that Stephen's oldest brother is 38 today. When did we start getting so old, lol. I hope he had a very nice birthday.
  2. Today is Laura's birthday too. She was so excited to see me at work today and wanted to hear all about our trip. I told her all about it, hehe, and had fun doing so. I gave her the gift that the girls and I got her as a thank you (how appropriate that it was her birthday too) and she loved it. She is going to frame the card to hang up at the condo, hehe.. and she can't wait to use the gift we got her. I am glad she loved it. She said to thank Cory, Jen and Tonny.. so girls, you are thanked.
  3. Sherry just called. Chuckie is in the hospital. He has some really bad infection in his foot and they went to the emergency room tonight. I hope he is okay and that it isn't related to his diabetes. I swear, that man.. he isn't taking care of himself, because he is having that surgery, and that is going to take care of the diabetes.. but c'mon, you need to take care of yourself in the meantime. I am sure he will be fine, but Sherry is pretty worried. I told her that I am here if she needs me. I love them so much, the whole crew.
  4. I am so ready for bed. This has been the longest day. I worked out in the gym today too, which wore me out, and then I walked to the library tonight, and it was so hot and muggy, and I am just exhausted. Hope everyone else is having a better day than I did. Night.

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