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Lightening Bugs

Lightening Bugs...

July 03, 2002

The past few nights while I've been out on my walks, I've noticed that there are tons of lightening bugs out. I mean, you walk right into them, they are all over the place. This totally takes me back to my childhood. Many a summer night was spent catching lightening bugs. We used to put them in jars and then sit on the front porch and watch them light up for hours. It was one of my favorite things to do.. my mom and dad would be out there with us catching them. Chrissy and June love to catch them too, but the past few years, they haven't been out like the way I remember it from when I was a kid.. now all of a sudden this year, they are everywhere. I can't wait to catch lightening bugs with the girls this weekend!

I was so busy at work today. I don't know how I kept up with everything, it really was so hectic. I didn't get to go workout, which was a bummer, since I wanted to do weights, as I won't get to for the next four days, but oh well. I got to go for a walk tonight, so at least I did my workout, and I feel okay about that. Tonya and I have also started a special goal for this month. We are doing 3 different types of sit-ups, both morning and night, 25 of each type, so 75 situps of sorts morning and night. It's been a challenge alright, but everytime I don't feel like doing it, I remember that I have to tell her that I didn't, and that makes me get my butt up and do them. That reminds me, I still need to do my night ones, lol.

Stephen and I grilled steaks tonight, yum. We also had baked potatoes and corn on the cob, yum yum yum. I have found that I have been buying low fat sour cream and no-fat butter sprays lately, without even thinking about it. It's becoming a part of life, one that is just natural now. I have been eating more at each meal than I would like since vacation, but I will get back on track, I don't doubt that. I ate way too much at dinner and really felt sick to my stomach. I haven't felt like that in a long time. But I went for my walk, and I felt much better afterwards.

We are going to watch Slap Shot 2 now, and then go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. We have to be at Timmy's baseball game before 9. It's his championship game, I hope he wins.. that is so important when you are 7, giggle. After that, we (the whole family) will be at Stephen's parents house for a BBQ, and then we are going to Gerald and Michelle's later for fireworks and stuff. Sherry is going to drop the girls off at Stephen's parents tomorrow morning, and I am looking forward to seeing them, and she will probably stay and hang out for a few hours before she goes back to the hospital.

They still do not know what is wrong with Chuck, but at least he is out of isolation now. I hope he gets out of the hospital soon. He is feeling much better and hates being cooped up. He is the worst person to be stuck in a bed, he hates to sit still and always is on the go.

Daily Tidbits

  1. So did you read Tonya's entry? I am so excited for her. I can't believe that she is probably going to be moving to Hawaii. Man, how awesome that is. I know it's only for 3 years, but I can't even imagine not seeing her for 3 whole years.. she has really become such a big part of my life.. what an opportunity for them though. She better send me lots of pictures all the time, hehe.
  2. My SIL Nicole is due tomorrow. She is miserable and can't wait to have this kid, lol. They are going to induce her on Saturday if she doesn't go into labor before then. I think she was hoping for a independence day baby. Did I ever mention that my grams birthday is on the 4th?
  3. I have been having a lot of fun doing my entries from the Florida trip. I love that we can go back later and read them, but it's funny how long ago it seems already. Sometimes I need to rely on pictures just to remember what happened what day. Man time flies.
  4. I hope that everyone has a great 4th tomorrow. Whatever your plans... enjoy them with your loved ones.
  5. Lightening out!

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