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Second Guest Entry From Cory - Vegas Trip
10-23-2002, 11:54 a.m.

Second Guest Entry from Cory - Vegas Trip

October 23, 2002

Well, I haven't talked to Vicki yet today, but yesterday she informed me of some of her plans for today, hehe. :) They were on their way yesterday for their overnight trip to Laughlin, and should be coming back today sometime. On the way there and back they were going to be stopping at Lake Mead and Samstown (sp?), one each way. The Harrahs they were staying at in Laughlin sounds realllly nice. It's on the Colorado River, and so are all the casinos that are right there. So to go back and forth between them, they have to take a boat! :) It all sound pretty neat to me, and I can't wait to hear more about it.

In the Rio, where they are staying in Vegas, they do a Mardi Gras parade there, and she said for $10 you can rent a costume and BE IN the parade! She is thinking about doing it tonight!!! hehehee, I hope she does, cuz I'd LOOOVE to see pictures from that. It sounds like a blast...she said there are like train-tracks on the ceiling of the place, and that's where the "cars" for the parade go. The pictures should be phenomonal...I can't wait to see them.

Hopefully I'll talk to Vic again today, and I'll have more to update later, hehe. Then they're coming home tomorrow night, so we should be hearing from the World Traveler herself. hehe :)

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