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Sand Castles
02-05-2001, 981403642

Sand Castles...

February 5, 2001

I so love the sand castle that Cory bought for me. I put it out yesterday, and even Stephen said, wow that is really pretty. I have been wanting to start a collection for a while. My mom collects Frogs, and everytime I see a frog I buy it for her... same with my gram, except that she collects Turtles. And then there is Jen who collects clowns and angels so everytime I see one, they make me think of her. I want something that will make people think of me when they see it.. so I am thinking it is going to sand castles. I have always loved them, so why not. And I have my first one now too :). So what do you collect?

We had an exam this morning, so I had to be to work before 7:00. These students are driving me nuts. They always want their grades right after they take the exam. What the heck do they expect? Instant results. I cannot believe how much we cater to them at times. Don't get me wrong, I really love my job, and I do so enjoy working with the students, most of the time, but once in a while they just push my buttons wrong. Man, am I tired today. I knew that I should have gone to sleep earlier last night, but Stephen and I really had a nice time cuddling in bed last night, and just watching some stupid show on candy. I did learn how to make a knock-off of some candies though, not that I ever would, it looks so much easier to just go to the store and buy the actual candy, LOL. I don't know why we watched this show anyway, I think that it was because neither of us wanted to get up to get the remote, hehe. It was just nice to cuddle with Stephen. I love moments like those.

It seems like so many people around me are crabby today. Maybe it is me who is crabby, and I am thinking it is everyone else, giggle. Nah, couldn't be...


Why is it that when our friends are down, we feel so helpless? I don't mean just down.. but really down. The type of down that makes them quiet and not want to talk about their problems with you. You get used to being there for them, and then whey they don't want to talk to you it bothers you. You know that maybe they need to work things out on their own, but you certainly don't have to like it...

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