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Got a Bandaid?

Got a Bandaid...

February 7, 2001

I am so not sure what this entry is going to take me, so bear with me on this one. I was in such a great mood all morning. I don't know why, I guess things just were going nicely. Last night, Stephen and I were talking on the way home, and I told him that I miss Jen since I haven't been able to see her since her visit here in October. He said that I should try to go see her, maybe in April. April would be a good time, since we get an extra check in March. We get paid every 2 weeks, so it works out that we get 3 checks in a month 2 times each year. Everytime he tells me that I should try to go see Jen, I always tell him that we can't afford it, and we probably can't.. but he had a good point.. if we tried to wait until we thought we could afford to do things, we would never do anything. Besides, the tickets would only be about 200 bucks, and we could easily spend 200 bucks on nothing... so what if we have to eat cheap meals for a few weeks, isn't it worth it? Well he convinced me, and so I am planning to go to visit Jen in April. She was so excited when I told her last night. Our first thought was how nice it would be if Cory could go too. Tonya lives near Jen as well, so it would be a nice get together. Unfortunately it isn't doable for Cory. Oh well, maybe next time. I still plan on having a great time.

The good mood turned sour though when Cory and I inadvertently hurt each other's feelings. I really was disappointed that she felt that she couldn't afford to make a trip at this time. In trying to convey my disapointment, I made her feel like I was pushing the issue, to which she responded in kind. The best part of it was that my boss asked me right at that moment to join them for a Department meeting, to keep notes, and to give my feelings on next years' budget, so I had to leave, which of course made it worse, because Cory felt I was running away from the issue. Sigh, anyone got that bandaid?

I know that this isn't going to cause a long term problem. Heck if our friendship was going to end everytime one of us had hurt feelings, it certainly would not be much of a friendship would it? I am not even worried about that... I just hate the putting it back together part.

Man, I hate arguments... well sometimes I like them with Stephen, because we seem to get our issues out during them. But I really hate arguments with friends... oh, the person I hate to argue with the most though is my mom. She does not fight fair. Ooooh, just thinking about it makes my blood boil... LOL

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