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Start of the Fifth

Start of the Fifth...

February 18, 2002

Today is the start of the fifth week of our better me stuff. Well at least for me it is, Cory started a few days before I did, and Jen started a bit before any of us did. I am feeling really good about it, and still very strong in my motivation and resolve to do this. Some days it is definitely easier than others, and I have to struggle with the snacking thing occasionally, but I feel pretty good. I do feel better about myself and that was what it was all about to begin with.

I so didn�t feel like working out today, in ways, but then in other�s I was anxious to do so, to make myself feel better about my bad day yesterday. When I got over to the gym, all the treadmills were being used, so I started out on the jogger� wow, how much easier it is when you are not exhausted to begin with, but it is also harder to get going at first because your legs are not all in the moving thing, LOL. I did good though, and did 10 minutes before I even knew that it was 10 minutes� that was so easy� so I went another 5, and ended up doing 1.11 miles in the 15 minutes. I was rather impressed. By then the treadmill I like had opened up so I headed over there. I tell you, after the jogger, you would think it would be easy to walk, right? Heck no, my legs so wanted to just quit, but I didn�t. Instead, I struggled thru the first 5 minutes, but amazingly after that, it just got easier.. I ended up going 25 minutes� giving me 40 minutes today. That has been my goal to work up to 40 minutes, and I was feeling pretty dang good. I ended up going 2.5 miles total today as well. My legs were all tingly for about 30 minutes afterwards and I really felt great. I didn�t swim today though, I ended up going shopping at the scrapbook store instead, but I don�t feel bad because I know I worked hard today.

We spent some time today planning our Florida trip, and that is something that has been a great source of motivation to me. I so want to be able to walk on the beach in a swim suit without being too ashamed.. but more importantly.. I want to wear cute little sun dresses, I�ve always wanted to look cute in them. We have decided to do a nighttime cruise on a casino yacht, so that is going to be tons of fun, and I want to get the cutest little sundress and sandals for that. I just want to look cute, hehe. I am going to think about that every time I am tempted to quit. I want to say that I am surprised that we have gone for this long, but I am not� I knew we could do it, and I know we can do tons more.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I worked on some scrappin stuff a bit tonight, hehe. I got the cutest grass scissors for this page I am working on for Cory. It really helped the page come together, and I love it soooooo much. There is so much little detail in this one and it took me a long time, but it turned out absolutely perfect. I so cannot wait to exchange these with her. I got 2 of my 5 done� and I have the cutest ideas for 2 more. Still thinking about the last one.
  2. Stephen and I have both been crabby the past few days and we were taking it out on each other earlier. He apologized first though, so I decided to try to take it out on him less. Sometimes it is just so easy to take it out on him though, because he is always here, and I know he always will be.
  3. Sherry�s sister, Margie and her two kids surprised everyone today and came in for a visit from Minnesota. I haven�t seen them in about a year, so I cannot wait to see them. I miss them very much. They are at Sherry�s right now� I hope they are having a great visit. I know how much Sherry has been missing her, and that is wonderful that she gets this visit.
  4. Stephen has to be to work early tomorrow morning, so I guess I better try to get some sleep. Early days are yucky, giggle. I know we can take seperate cars, but why. I like driving together :)

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For February
4 0

Previously Set Goal (in Minutes) for February - 500
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 0
Minutes Over Goal - 320
Minutes Spent Walking/Jogging - 374
Miles Walked � 22.67

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