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Practically Nothing

Practically Nothing...

February 17, 2002

That is what I did today, practically nothing. Sometimes I kinda like having these sorts of days, but then you feel almost guilty for getting nothing done, ya know.

Let's see, I woke up rather early, and took Rocky (mom's dog) out for a walk and fed Shadow. After that, I was pretty much awake, and decided to just stay up. I laid on the couch and surfed channels for a bit. I ate a little breakfast and then Stephen asked me to come back to bed with him. I didn't really want to at first, but I am glad I did. We just laid around and watched the movie cocktails, and just did nothing... Well, okay towards the end of the movie, we did somettthiiinnng,,, hehe... so I guess I did do something today after all.

Afterwards, Stephen got ready to leave for basketball, and after he did I got up and ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things. Then it was back home for more nothing. I laid in the tub (with lots of bubbles) for about an hour and read my book, and then I watched Lifetime movies all day long. I did work on some scrapping stuff, but nothing really too much. It's just been one of those days.

When Stephen got home this evening, he irritated me pretty much right away, LOL... so I was in a crabby mood (Sorry Jen and Tonya, LOL). He wanted to hang out more, but I wanted to watch something different than he did, so I worked on my scrapping stuff a while, and then went and laid on the couch to finish watching the lifetime shows. Now, he is sorta snoozing, so I came in here to watch the Olympics and lay down with him. Believe it or not, I am tired.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Jen sent me pictures of some scrapbook pages she did for Nicole's book. Awwww, they looked wonderful and I am proud of her!
  2. Today was a bad snacking day, and I feel downright guilty... but oh well.. there is no need to kick myself.. just have to pull myself back up tomorrow.
  3. Mom and gram are somewhere on a ship right now... sigh.. wish I was too, hehe. I hope they are having an awesome time.
  4. They are going to have a special ceremony in a little bit to award the canadian pair figure skaters the gold medals that they upped them to. I am so glad that they got them.. I did so think that they deserved them.
  5. I had every intention of not writing in here tonight.. but I came to do so anyway... sheesh, I just can't stay away.

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For February

Previously Set Goal (in Minutes) for February - 500
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 0
Minutes Over Goal - 280
Minutes Spent Walking/Jogging - 334
Miles Walked � 20.17

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