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Flowers From Someone Else
02-21-2003, 9:43 p.m.

Wow, this day has seemed to go on forever. It's been a good day, so that is not entirely a bad thing, but I am so tired, and I still have a million things to do. I will be glad to go to bed, because I've been struggling today. I have been so hungry and I want to snack so bad. I did good even though it was rough, so I am proud of that, but I am ready to go to sleep so I can stop being hungry, hehe. I usually do not snack at night, because when I start, I just can't seem to stop, but I just got finished making a fruit salad for tomorrow, and I let myself have a bowl of it. Now, of course I want more more and more of everything around, but I am NOT going to give in. I don't need it, and I am not going to blow this great week that I've had.

Stephen had to be to work early again this morning, so I didn't get to workout in the morning. I only got to workout one morning this week, the rest has been at night. I look forward to going back to mornings next week, but nights haven't been bad either, it just gives me less time to do other things. I wouldn't mind it so bad if I was at least getting to sleep a little later in the morning, but getting up early anyway and not getting it done is a bummer. I did go tonight though, and it was nice, because the lady who was walking on the treadmill next to me, tried to get my attention and when she did, she said, I just wanted to tell you that I joined about the same time you did, I saw you at your orientation, and wow, you really are looking great. The funny part about this, is last night as I was working out, I thought the same exact thing about a different lady that I see there all the time, and I wanted to tell her that, but I was to chicken to do so. Now I wish I would have, because it *really* felt great to hear. Next time I see her, I am going to tell her.

On the way home from working out, I had to go to the grocery store to get the things that I need for tomorrow. Jen and Tricia are coming over to spend the morning/afternoon, and we are going to work on our craft projects, and I am going to make a yummy lunch. We are going to have a baked potato/salad bar type of lunch, and it's going to be so good. I am so looking forward to them coming over, and I have been looking forward to it all week long. It's going to be so much fun. So as I was putting my groceries in my car, this older man was decorating a car with tons of flowers.. I said, wow that looks like a lot of work, and he told me that it was his granddaughters birthday and she works at the store, and he wanted her to be surprised when she came out. I thought it was the sweetest thing and told him so. As we were talking, he dropped a lot of his flowers, so I helped him pick them up and then I went and got in my car. As I was getting ready to pull away, he came up and knocked on my window. I rolled down the window and he handed me a rose and some other flowers. It was sweet, smile. You should have seen Stephen's face though when I walked in the door with flowers and told him some old man gave them to me, snicker. I should have told him it was some young handsome guy, giggle. Jealousy is sometimes a good thing you know.. makes you appreciate what you have when you think someone else wants it, hehe.

We had dinner with Stephen's parents tonight because they babysat last night and so we went tonight instead. Nicole and Kathleen were there too, which was a nice surprise. I had fun playing with Kathleen. I had some pictures in my car to give to all of them, so I had Stephen go out and get them, and we had fun looking at them all, and at some other old pictures as well. I so love pictures. Bet you would have never guessed that.

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