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Vicious Circles
02-24-2003, 8:42 p.m.

Sometimes I run out of things to write in here. I write and write about the every day happenings in my life, but sometimes that bores even me, and I imagine that the people who read this must be even more bored. Then again, am I keeping this journal for those who read it, or for myself, sometimes it's hard to remember which. The whole point was to be able to look back, and see what was going on in my life and to see how I reacted and how I felt about those things, so when there is nothing going on, then maybe I don't need to write, but I've gotten so in the habit of writing every day that it's hard not to write. What vicious circle it turns out to be.

I didn't feel like working out tonight, so I didn't. I haven't taken a day off since last Sunday, so I figured that I was due one, but I feel as guilty when I don't work out as I do when I don't write. Another vicious cycle I tell you.

Okay, rather than bore you, and myself, I am going to end this and go to bed. I was working on a scrap page but I don't feel much like doing it, and I really want to run out and take some film to walmart, but I don't really feel like doing that either. Notice a pattern here? I just don't feel like doing anything at all tonight. I hate nights like these.

I would like to point out though.. that for someone who didn't want to write this entry, I just spent more than half and hour trying to log onto diaryland, so that I could upload it. I still haven't gotten on, but I am still trying. Oh, and I also am working on that scrapbook page that I didn't want to work on.. I am a hopeless cause.

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