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02-26-2003, 7:48 p.m.

For every good day I have, I seem to have a bad day, at least as far as this better me stuff goes. I don't know how it is that I can do so good all day long, have an awesome workout, and then just not be able to control how much I eat at dinner. Now, I am so eating better than I was a year ago, by leaps and bounds, but there are some days that I just do not feel good about myself and the choices that I make. Tonight while I was making dinner, I snacked on chips, and that just makes me so mad. Granted, they were baked chips, which is so not what I would have been eating a year ago, but they were chips none the less. I was so hungry after my workout, and instead of coming right home and making dinner, I ran out looking for a birthday gift for Sherry. I really need to learn to control myself when I am that hungry. Thank goodness the rest of the day was good, and I really did have a great workout... but the worst part is that I still ate a full dinner, even after snacking. That is what I need to learn.. it's okay to snack if I take it into consideration later. I guess that I am really learning that this is going to be something I struggle with the rest of my life.

Speaking of struggling, I so was unable to get up yet again this morning, so I've been having to workout at night. I am glad that I am still going, and not making excuses at night, but I really would like to start going in the mornings again. I dunno, it's been a crummy week, and that is after a great week last week. I tell you, evertime I have a good week, I have a bad week the next week. If only I could have 2 good weeks in a row, then I could work towards a 3rd week, lol. Sooner or later, I will get there, hehe.

The good thing is that I walked 4 miles today which means that so far this year, I have gone a little over 110 miles. I really know now that I am going to be able to make my goal of 500 miles, unless something drastic happens. I am pretty proud of how far I've gone so far. February isn't even over yet and I am already over 20% there.. it's such a cool feeling.


Happy 4th birthday to our newphew James today. I so cannot believe that he is 4 already, it seems like just yesterday that we were going to see him for the first time. He is such a cutie. They are having a party for him and also for Timmy (his brother who is turning 8 next week) so that will be nice. Of course finding out about this party was a big production as it often is with that family. They never tell you anything and when they do it's often at the last minute. It drives everyone in the family nuts, but I am starting to get used to it. It doesn't bother me so much anymore, I just expect that it's going to be that way everytime, and then there is no reason to be disappointed when it is.

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