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Going No Where

Going No Where...

March 02, 2002

It's been snowing pretty much for the past 24 hours. I feel like all I've done today is shovel, shovel and lay on the couch watching movies.. oh yah and shovel. I am not really complaining, it's been a nice day, spent with Stephen. I told him this morning... look outside, I am going no where today, hehe. We were going to go to work, so I could work out, but believe me, I shoveled enough today to feel like I worked out just fine, hehe. Our neighbors are out of town for the weekend, so we kinda kept their stuff shoveled as well. Yah yah, nice neighbors that we are, lol.

We did toss around the idea of going to the wolves game tonight. But then I drove to the grocery store to do a bit of grocery shopping for the week, and the driving was such a pain in the butt, that I stuck to our original plan of staying home. The game was on TV anyway, so it's not like we had to miss it. The only thing is that they (the wolves) ended up calling it a snow day, and anyone who bought tickets for this game, even if they went to the game, gets to turn in their ticket stubs for another game this season... man, we could have had a free game, giggle. Believe it or not, there was a pretty big crowd there considering the weather. I was impressed. The wolves tied tonight.. and the game was very tight called. Unlike many we've seen this season. We are thinking of going to tomorrow's game. I really want to, hehe. When don't I want to? Hopefully the weather will cooperate and I won't feel like doing nothing again tomorrow.

Daily Tidbits

  1. My plan was to not even get on here and write tonight. I told myself, you can take a night off from writing, what's the big deal. Here I am writing, lol.. am I addicted to this journal? What is the pull I feel to write in here every day?
  2. Jen made it to NC safely, regardless of the weather. She is lucky her flight was around the time it was though... a lot of flights that were scheduled to leave later in the day were cancelled. I am glad she is there safe and sound and I hope she is having a great time.
  3. I really didn't do much today. I watched a bunch of movies.. took a nap.. I did shovel and stuff a lot and went to the grocery store and I had to put all that away and ended up cleaning out a few cabinets, but that is about all I did today. I didn't even work on my scrapbook.. what a waste of a good day for scrappin.
  4. I did do a page last night though, so yay for me on that. I really want to get more of this book done before Tonya comes, so she can see it.
  5. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.. Stephen has an early game, and then we have to drive out to see my sister and then we are going to try to go to the Wolves game. Should be fun.

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For March
213 (60)

Set Goal (in Minutes) for March - 750
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 690
Minutes Spent Walking/Jogging - 41

Set Goal (in Miles) for March - 40
Miles Walked - 2.44

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