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In Like A Lion

In Like a Lion...

March 01, 2002

Can you even believe that it is March? I don't know where time goes, but where ever it is that it goes, it goes there quickly. We are expecting a huge storm tonight, with almost a foot of snow. I am glad that it's Friday night, and that we don't have to go anywhere tomorrow unless we want to. We are planning to go out to work for a bit, Stephen has some work to do, and I can workout that way. But the good thing is, if it is really bad, we can choose to not go. Maybe it's a good thing that we are not swimming tomorrow. I will miss Cory and Jen bunches though. This will be the first Saturday in a few that I won't get to see Cory. Bummer. And Jen doesn't go with us every week, but we were going to meet tomorrow. Instead she is going to Charlotte to see her parents, smile. I am glad that she is.. but I hope that her flight isn't affected by the snow. Man, I cannot wait for Spring.

Today was our luncheon at work. It was a lot of fun. I sometimes don't really look forward to these things... but then I always enjoy myself. Today was no exception. The stuff I made was a hit (yay me). The best part.. while I did eat my share, I didn't eat anywhere the amount I would have in the past.. and not because I was depriving myself or whatever.. but because I just didn't want to. I was satisfied with what I had, and I didn't even think to go back for more. I did get some dessert, and there were soooo many wonderful things to choose from.. what did I pick? Some fruit and some jello, and I enjoyed it very much. I even went to workout after lunch too, hehe. I had a great workout, although I have to say, doing so on a full stomach kinda sucks. I am not looking to do that again anytime soon, lol. All and all it was a good day.

Stephen and I had a good talk on the way home today. I like it when we talk about little things that are on our minds. I told him that sometimes I hate it when he treats me like a wife, LOL. He was like, what? I just mean, sometimes when he doesn't treat me like a lover. LOL. Okay, we've been married for over 10 years.. and as he reminds me, after these years, lust is just not always there. Hey, I want lust, at least occasionally. And this isn't to say that anything is wrong, because there really isn't... it's just that sometimes we ache of something, and sometimes we just can't put our finger on what it is. I am happy though, very happy. We came home and cuddled and well, had some fun, giggle.. .and then I took a nap. Boy did that feel good *yawn*. I figure I don't have to get up early tomorrow so it's okay if I can't go to sleep tonight, hehe. Maybe I can get some work done on my scrapbook. I am stuck on a certain page, and have been for a few days. I need to get moving. Okay, I am going to do that... see me going?

Daily Tidbits

  1. I also have a ton of email to read and respond to. Maybe I should do that too. Anything to not have to make a decision on that page, right?
  2. Only a month until Tonya's visit. I so cannot wait to see her. I can't believe that it's only a month. I turned the page on my calendar to March today and it was neat to see on the bottom of it.. Tonya arrives, hehe.
  3. Oops, that reminds me, I better get going on those easter baskets, hehe.
  4. Don is going to be away for a few weeks. Hmmm, what trouble can Jen and I get into during that time. Giggle. I do so love having her live close. Now to start taking better advantage of that fact.

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For March
213 (60)

Set Goal (in Minutes) for March - 750
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 690
Minutes Spent Walking/Jogging - 41

Set Goal (in Miles) for March - 40
Miles Walked - 2.44

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