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Sorta Worried...Sorta Not...

Sorta Worried...Sorta Not...

March 04, 2002

I had my appointment today with my OB. Just an annual sorta thing, but I did have a few things that I wanted to talk to him about, and there were a few things that he wanted to talk to me about as well. Okay, so one of the things I mentioned to him was the fact that I have this one area (yah down below, blush) that has been very itchy, and occasionaly painful for about the past 2-3 months. I wasn't worried about it or anything, but it has gotten more annoying than anything else, and so I wanted to see what he thought. Well, at first, he thought it might just be a yeast infection thingy, and asked if I've tried monistat. Um, no, but I would do that. But then, when he started my exam, he asked me to show him exactly where it was. Right away he seemed a little concerned and said that he felt that it needed to be biopsied, just to check it. He said I shouldn't worry too much, but then he said, to get it done within the next few days. Okay, so if I shouldn't worry, why the rush, ya know. So I have an appointment for tomorrow afternoon to have it biopsied.

Stephen is rather worried and sorta upset by the whole thing, so I really am trying to not be worried myself. No sense for us to both be upset.. I am sure it's fine... I am not looking forward to the procedure itself, as it's going to be painful (he is planning to cut the skin away and then stitch it up), but I guess it's best that I am doing it rather quickly.

We also talked about TTC stuff. He said "you are not getting any younger you know".. Boy do I know it. But he agreed that if I felt that I wanted more time to lose some more weight first, and to just stay on the metformin in the meantime, that it was probably what was best for me. But he suggested not taking more than 6 months more. We'll see. One day at a time.. Baby steps.

So tomorrow should be a fun day.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I had a good workout today, although it was hard. It's always hard after a few days off, ya know. Still, I am proud of what I did, and that's good enough for me.
  2. I am in a scrapbooking slump. I just cannot come up with ideas right now. I sit there to work on stuff, and it just doesn't come. I hate when this happens.. but I am sure I will come out of it soon enough.
  3. Stephen and I watched his closet show tonight, and it was hysterical. We were both cracking up. I also cracked up over Everyone Loves Raymond tonight. OMG, that was hysterical. Anyone see it?
  4. Stephen bought me Cinderella II last night and we watched it together. It was cute, but so totally different from what I expected it to be. It was was a collection of stories about what happens with Cinderella after the wedding.. and it was cute... just different. Can't wait to watch it with the girls.
  5. Last night, as we were going to bed, Stephen asked.. don'tcha gotta go write in your journal? He asks that every night now.. guess he is used to it. But I wanted to just cuddle with him and watch Mary Poppins (we love disney movies), so I decided to skip it. I am such a rebel (wink), lol.
  6. I am tired tonight.. soo tired.

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