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03-10-2003, 7:37 p.m.

On the way home from work, Stephen asked me if I was going to go workout, and I told him that I was.. but when I got home, I discovered that I had gotten my period, and I just felt crappy and so I did not want to go to the gym, so I didn't.. but after finishing up dinner (I started it in the crockpot this morning) and then laying around for about 20 minutes, I decided to get dressed and walk outside instead. Stephen didn't really want me to, because it's pretty cold outside, but he said I could if I bundled up.

I walked almost 4 miles, and while it was really cold, I am glad that I did walk outside. I don't know how to explain it, but there is something that is just so much more peaceful about walking outside. It clears my head, and just really makes me feel so much better sometimes. I can't wait until it warms up enough to really go for long walks again. I miss that. It's supposed to be warmer by the end of this week, so I am hoping that I will be able to get some extra walks in this week.

So I got a new computer at work. They put it in on Friday for me, so it was all ready when I got there today. I was so excited, and I loved it. It's awesome, and I had fun playing with it today, well as much as I could anyway. Having taken half of Thursday and all of Friday off, there were piles of work for me to catch up on, so I was kept pretty busy most of the day. Not too busy to plan our all night crop this coming weekend though.

I am so looking forward to that. Jen, Cory, Tricia and Jess are all coming over for that. They are coming Saturday late afternoon/early evening, and spending the night, and we are going to attempt to stay up all night to work on our scrapping stuff. It should be interesting to see just how long we manage to stay awake. We have so much fun at all of our crops, so it's going to be very interesting. I really have been looking forward to it though, so I am really excited that it's almost here now.

While I was gone this weekend, Chrissy and June must have left me 20 messages. Chrissy wanted to talk to me about her new boyfriend. She is so cute, but I love that she calls me to talk about these things, and I really hope that she always does. It means a lot to me that she feels comfortable enough with me to talk about things that are going on in her life. I didn't have that when I was her age.. sometimes you just can't talk to your mom about things like that. June, she was hoping I would come and spend some time with her, or bring her here for the weekend. She said that she missed me and wanted to spend some time with me, awww. I miss her too. Since I was gone, she invited some of her friends over, which was wonderful. She rarely invites her school friends over, and Sherry and Chuck are always trying to get her to do so. I don't know why she is so shy about it, she really isn't shy with people normally.. I dunno.

I got their tickets for the Skates Mates Kids club party, so I called them tonight to tell them when it is. I think that Sherry and Chuck are going to go too, so that will be a lot of fun. It's on a Monday night, so I invited them to go with us, to make it easier on everyone, and Chuck actually sounded pretty excited about it.

Speaking of the Wolves, can you believe that I haven't been to a wolves game since my birthday game.. man, I think that is the longest I've ever gone without going to a game (well not counting the off season), and I haven't even had a chance to wear my new jersey to a game. Stephen and I are planning on going to the game on Sunday though... if I can stay awake after Saturday night anyway, hehe.. I am so looking forward to it, I told Stephen that Skates probably forgot me, snicker. He didn't seem to think that could happen, imagine that.

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