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What's in the Air?
03-11-2003, 8:39 p.m.

I walked outside again tonight.. and it was not even really all that cold. You can tell that it is warming up a little.. it is supposed to be really nice by the weekend and I so cannot wait. I had every intention of going to the gym tonight, but man, this period is kicking my butt.. I mean it's been soooooooo bad, and I just couldn't force myself to go to the gym.. at least if I have an accident while I am out walking, there are not 50 other people standing there, hehe.

Man, what a crummy day I had at work today. I was so stressed out with these workshops we had going on and all these students who were coming in trying to change their groups. It was such a mess, and by the time we left to go home, I was near tears. Plus with my period, all my emotions are just all jumbled and that surely doesn't help much at all. Luckily though, Stephen really made me feel better on the way home, and I was able to move past it.

Now I playing on the computer, when I should be working on getting stuff ready for Saturday, but I just don't feel like it. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.. and the next day.. and the next, hehe.. You get the point right? I will be scrambling around Friday night of course. Hey, I've always said that I work better under pressure.

I am soooo tired. I slept sooooo poorly last night, and even ended up for a few hours. Around 2 this morning, I was trying to read my book, but I couldn't concentrate because I didn't feel so good, so I was laying there when I remembered that it wouldn't be so late at Tonya's, hehe, so I called her. You should have heard the shock in her voice when she heard it was me. It was only 10 there, but I never call her at night there... hehe, cause man those 4 hours really make a big difference. Maybe we should remember that on Saturday night and everytime we get tired, and want to go to bed we can just take a break and crank call Tonny hehe. Nothing like giving her a heads up on that.

I tell you, I have been in such a funk lately too. I sure hope that I can snap out of this soon. It must be something in the air, because I know a lot of people who have been in it lately. That and being sick.. everyone I know has been sick so much this winter.. what the heck is going on around here. I think the only one who is truly in a great mood lately is Cory and well, she has great reason to be in a great mood, hehe. 5 weeks today, man.. before we know it, she will be 5 months, hehe...I am loving watching her be so happy.. I think that it's finally starting to sink in to her and she is even sounding pregnant now. I can't wait to see her this weekend.. I bet she sparkles. Maybe she can share some of that good mood with the rest of us.. whatcha say Cory?

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