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A Bonus Here, A Bonus There
03-13-2003, 12:36 p.m.

So last night I was tired, and thought I would go to bed early, but as soon as I got there, I felt a little guilty for not having written in my journal, so after mentally arguing with myself for a while, I decided to just get up and do it, or I wouldn�t be able to sleep anyway. Well as it often happens, once I started typing I just went on and on, and I ended up with a pretty long entry, for having not wanted to do one. I look for my pics of the day, and I log on to diaryland to upload it, and what do you know.. can�t get on because they were doing the new servers. Now I know this is a good thing, but man, I could have been in bed! LOL, so needless to say I didn�t get to upload my new entry. I did save it, so I could go back and put it up later, and maybe I will do that tonight, but then again, maybe not. I mostly write for myself anyway, and I know what my entry was about and that�s good enough for me.

I�ve had a better few days, and I seem to have come out of my funk pretty nicely. I talked to my friends yesterday about things that were bothering me, and getting me down, and it was nice to just talk about it, and get it out there. Now I feel a lot better, and because of that, I am able to move past a lot of things. I am big on talking things out, but man, sometimes it�s just hard, and you just don�t want to do it. Sometimes it just takes a few days, but eventually I get there, which is a good thing. It�s not always easy to have relationships where you talk about everything, but man, the payoff on them is so nice.

So something else really nice happened yesterday (see I am sitting here basically retyping my entry from last night, lol). Okay, let me start at the beginning, I got this new computer at work, did I mention that? Well anyway, it has awesome speakers, and so I decided that now I can start listening to my CDs at work again. On my old computer, the speakers made the music sound like it was coming out of a tin can. Well, unfortunately I didn�t have but one CD here at work (and I only had that one here because I have 2 of them, so why take it home when there is one there anyway, hehe). So I put that CD on, and it�s a Celine Dion one. Not complaining either, because I really like her music a lot. So as I am listening to it, I start singing, and I was chatting with the girls, and sometimes when we are singing, we actually type the words out.. and so Tonny says, oh Celine, or whatever. Well, as you know, Tonny and I are going to Vegas in May.. I am sure you can see where this is going. One thing led to another and we started tossing around the idea of getting tickets to see her show, A New Day, there in Vegas. Now, that is something that I�ve really wanted to do. When I was there in October, Stephen and I went to see the theatre that they were building for her, and man, it�s really awesome, and they�ve made a big deal out of her shows. It�s rather expensive though, and so I didn�t bring it up before now, because I didn�t want Tonya to say that she wanted to go just because I wanted to go (something she is known for doing.. she would go along with just about anything if she thought that her friends wanted to do it, and I�ve wanted this vacation to be about the things she wants to do as well). Well as she was talking about it yesterday, you could tell that it was something that she really would like to do as well, so we started seriously talking about it. We had planned on doing a pampering day while we were there (massages and the works) so we decided that if we gave up that idea, we could afford to do the concert, and after much discussion we are the proud owner of 2 tickets to her show. And they are for awesome seats to boot. They were a little expensive, but so worth it. Plus, we have them already, so we won�t even count that in our Vegas money, lol, so you can say it�s a bonus almost. Hey, I choose to see it that way, I am entitled. The more things we have paid for before we go, the less we have to worry about later.

I am so very excited, and now I�ve been listening to all my Celine CDs, hehe. I brought them all to work today, and so I�ve been going from one CD to the next. I really love her music though, so this is really exciting for me. I can count on one hand the number of concerts that I�ve been to in my life, lol. I am really looking forward to doing this with Tonny. Stephen was all for it too, because I had begged him to take me when we go in October this year, and he had said that he would. He isn�t a big fan of her though, but he would have gone to make me happy� and now he won�t have to, so it�s a bonus for him. He agreed really quickly that I should spend the money to go now, giggle. Men.

Tonight is our dinner with the folks. They are babysitting Gerald and Michelle�s kids though, so we are going to go over there. I don�t mind, I like getting to see the kids, so it�s a bonus for us. I am sure we will be eating out, hopefully Parisi�s and not pizza, lol. I am tired of pizza.. it�s funny, I go thru stages when I crave pizza and other times when I hate it.

I really want to get my butt to the gym tonight. Stephen was teasing me about it last night. Between going away with my parents last weekend, and then walking outside all this week, I haven�t been to the gym itself in a week now. EEK. Hey, for not going in a week, I�ve still worked out every single day but one, so that�s not a bad thing. I�ve just been loving that it�s been warm enough to walk outside. Today it�s back to being a little chilly though, so I won�t mind going to the gym as much.. well except that it�s Thursday and that is my TV night. We�ll see, I guess� hehe. What I need to do is start getting up and going in the morning again. I don�t know how I got out of the habit of doing that, but I hate it. If I start going in the morning, then I can still walk at night if I want, and that will just be a bonus walk, instead of actually being my exercise for the day.

So Jen had to meet Don at ER this morning, he was having trouble breathing. She called a few minutes ago and said that they haven�t found anything wrong yet, so hopefully it won�t be anything serious. Man, she has been thru the wringer lately with everyone in her family being sick, over and over, one after the other. I feel so bad for her, I know how rough it�s been. I am praying for a break and some good health for all of them. In the meantime, we can just call her Nurse Jen for a while. I think she can totally use a break, and I am so glad that she is coming to spend the night on Saturday. I mean, I would be glad that she was coming anyway, but she can really use that break, so it�s such a bonus for her.

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