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A Childhood Tradition

A Childhood Tradition...

March 11, 2002

When I was a young girl, one of my very favorite things to do was to walk to the library, and take out as many books as they would let me, and as many as I could carry home... stop at the bar my mom worked at (it was a store as well, and she worked during the day a lot) to get snacks and stuff, and then stop at the park and have a picnic under a tree with my snacks and my books. I often did this with Sherry or Sharlene, but it wasn't unheard of to do it by myself either. I have always loved reading, and would spend many many hours with my nose in a book.

Tonight, I felt like going for a walk. I didn't get to walk at work, because I took a Tai Chi class instead, and I felt like I wanted to walk, so I bundled up and headed out. I took my cell phone with me, and returned a call to Tonya, and she was nice enough to chat with me during my walk. That was fun, and it made the time go by quickly. Before I knew it, I found myself across the street from the library, which is about a mile from my house. I haven't had a library card since I was a teenager, and I knew that I probably had a million overdue or lost book fees on there, but I was curious so I stopped in to find out. Turns out it wasn't so bad at all.. I ended up owing them 24.50.. I thought it would have been worse. I didn't have my purse with me though, but I knew that I would go back another night to take care of the fines, and re-new my card. I spend so much money buying books, and then I read them so quickly. I don't know why I waited so long to do this. I continued my walk, and I felt so good, and just a little chilly, hehe. Stephen called me when I was almost home because he was getting worried. I didn't realize I was gone so long.

When I got home, I decided to drive the route that I had just walked to find out how far I had gone (2.4 miles)... and since I had to go past the library again, and I had my purse, I went in and got myself a new library card, and 2 books, giggle. I have a feeling I am going to be doing a lot of walking to the library. I think my goal is going to be to always try to walk it... what a way to get in extra exercise.

So I did take that class today, and gosh, it was so hard, and not at all what I expected it to be. Still I did it, and I am proud of myself for doing so. It is so not what I am used to, and it didn't really feel like real exercise, but then in the same way, my legs were wobbly for hours afterwords. I worked some muscles that I never knew I had. Still, I am not sure if this is the right class for me. Maybe if I was more in shape and less akward. I am not sure if I will go back next week or not.. only time will tell. I think that I feel better about having done so since I walked tonight too. I tried to walk on the treadmill after the class, but my legs were sooooo weak, I almost fell on my face a few times. I realized the smart thing to do would be to wait and try again later. Walking outside was neat too... different scenery and it made it so much different. Now to get a new pedometer though, so I don't have to drive every trail I take just to measure it, giggle.

Daily Tidbits

  1. We were planning our Maggiano's dinner earlier today and one of the choices we talked about for our family style menu was Salmon. This gave me such a taste for it tonight. Luckily my husband is such a sweetie and he ran out and got me some salmon to cook. I couldn't believe he did either. He hates the grocery store, and he always says.... I don't know what to getttt, but he did well.. Boy was it yummy!
  2. I am going to spend the night with my mom on Friday night. I am looking forward to that. She is going to pick me up from work, and I am taking half the day off. We are going to go swimming for a bit, and then maybe go see the a movie together.
  3. Stephen is going to pick me up Saturday morning on his way to Wisconsin for Matthew and Jonathon's birthday party... at least if Delores isn't in the hospital having her baby, giggle. She is due any day now, and already dilated to 1 or 2... hmmmmm
  4. My SIL Michelle called tonight to let us know that they are having Easter at their house... hmmmmm, miracles never cease. This is the sister in law that usually calls the day before, or figures that you will find out from someone else, lol. I was so impressed. Not only that, but I really enjoyed my conversation with her. I really need to make more of an effort to spend time with Michelle. I like her so much, she could be such a good friend if I just made half the effort. Maybe that should be a better me goal.
  5. Well the Power Play (the hockey special on CLTV that comes on every Monday night) is on, and they are having a Wolves player.. gotta go watch, giggle. I love watching this every week. Stephen laughs at me, and calls me his little sports nut. I love it.

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