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Goal Intact

Goal Intact...

March 10, 2002

Okay, so at the beginning of the Wolves season, I said my goal was to get my picture take with Skates at every game that I went to. It was silly and goofy, but I gave it a good shot, and I have been having a fun time with it. Most games, I tend to run into Skates without even thinking about it.. and remember to get my picture taken... today, Jen and I went on the search for him, and it was a little harder, but I still got my pic, giggle. Thanks Jen (and Skates). Hey, you have to work for it sometimes, huh. I am not making this a goal next season, LOL. I have enough pics for now... omg, did I say that??? Hey, I can watch my weight loss progress with pictures of Skates and I... hehe.. there ya go.

So, Cory and I met early this morning to swim (yawn), and we swam for 90 minutes... non-stop. It's so fun when I get to do it with Cory (and Jen, when she goes)... so much more fun that when I go alone, it is amazing how much more quickly the time goes by when you have a friend to talk to all along. We had a great time this morning and it felt so very good to do so. It's funny the different topics we talk about as we are going back and forth in the pool. We are both busy next weeked, so we probably won't get to go then :( I will miss that. Hopefully I will get a chance to do some swimming during the week to make up for it though. I felt bad this morning that I had to rush out, but I needed to get home to get ready to go meet Jen for lunch and the Wolves game.

The wolves game was awesome. See I can have an awesome time, even when they lose. Yah, they lost, what a bummer, but it was lots of fun. Jen is fun to go to the games with, and we had a good time. I was sad at first that Cory had chosen not to come, but I am glad that she is a strong enough person to not do things that she doesn't really want to do. Maybe I can learn a lot from that. Stephen went with us instead, and I am glad that he went, and he was as goofy as ever... sheesh, lol.

We had a yummy lunch, and I had way too many snacks over this weekend... luckily all the ones I have been having at home are fat free or low fat... the ones at the game, well that's a different story. Still, I am not going to fret over that...just continue to work hard. I think I am going to start taking this exercise class tomorrow.. it is a yoga type class that they are having on Mondays. I can do it.. I can do it.. I can do it... Cory took a step class on Thursday. I am so proud of her. I so don't know if I can really put myself out there in a class, but I am at least going to give it a shot. Tomorrow.. yah, that's it, tomorrow!

Daily Tidbits

  1. I think that I am going to make an appointment for Wednesday night to get my hair foiled. I wanted to get it done before Tonya comes.. .and it would be nice to have it done for the party at Delores' this weekend too. I told myself that if I continued to work out that I would treat myself to it. I think I deserve it.

  2. Stephen has to be to work early tomorrow morning... so I better try to get to bed early. I am going to watch Any Day Now in bed and hopefully nod off shortly after.

  3. Only 21 days until Tonya gets here. Wow... 21 Days... that is too cool. We are going to have such a great time. Jen found out that Don will be working nights then, so that means we have to go with plan B.. but she did say that she would get a babysitter for a few of our plans... so we are going to get to go to both the wolves game and to Maggiano's, just us girls.. yay :) Can you believe that we've never gone out to a nice restaurant to eat, the four of us? We have in smaller groups, but not all four of us at the same time. I am so excited about that.

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