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March 12, 2002

I think I am getting my period... for the first time in over a year. It will be wonderful if I am... totally, it will mean that the metformin and exercising together is working.. but yet, I hate how moody and miserable I have been the past few days. Stephen keeps asking me what is wrong. I don't know... just moody I guess.

So many things have been getting to me lately. Little things, that probably shouldn't be getting to me. I guess I should think about that.

So my doctor called today. My Biopsy results were back, and everything is fine! He said it was just a thickening of the skin due to irritation. He is going to treat the irritation, but not until I am healed. Speaking of which, my stitches had disolved, but I felt like it wasn't right, because I can feel the hole still. I told him about it, and how it is still bleeding a lot and hurting occasionally. He had me come in and he took a peek at it. He said it's healing fine.. just a little slow. He said not to worry, that it was just fine. Okay, that works.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I had a shortened workout today, since I had to go to the doctor and that took an hour. I still felt good about what I did... almost 2 miles in 32 minutes.
  2. Tonight I had to go to the store to get a few things I needed for dinner, and guess what? I decided to walk there, hehe. There and back is just about a mile. I didn't include it in my exercise time, but I am so proud of myself for chosing to walk instead of taking the car.
  3. We are planning a couples night for the 23rd. There have been a few snags along the way.. Planning with 4 sets of couples can be sticky at times, but I think we finally have it all ironed out and it is going to be fun, I am really looking forward to it now.
  4. I hope this moodiness passes soon. I am taking everything personally and the wrong way, and I hate feeling like this. I just so hope that I do get my period, so it was worth it. The funny thing is, my period is the last thing I really want.. but yet, I will be so happy if I get it on my own like that. It would be such a good thing.
  5. Okay, I need to go talk to Stephen and assure him that I am fine. He hates when I am moody like this, hehe, then again, maybe now he will know what it feels like. He is so much more moody than I am most of the time, giggle.

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