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A Surprise Date

A Surprise Date...

March 21, 2002

Last night was a pretty cool night. I got a lot done, and I had a good time too. On the way home from work, I called Stephen and told him I was going to stop at Fashion Bug real quick to try on some jeans. He told me to go ahead and buy a pair, yay, so I was excited about that. I have been wearing a size 22 in jeans, and when I started this 2 months ago, they were even pretty tight on me. Most of my weight is in my stomach, so jeans are a big thing with me. Anyway, so I thought I would buy a size 20.. and I took them in to try them on. They were tight, but I was able to button and zip them.. and while I would be feeling tight in there, I could wear them now... and I figured that it wasn't much of a challenge. Soooo, I grabbed a size 18. OMG, they are so small, lol.. well not really, but on me they are. I can't zip or button them.. not even close... but you know what? I bought them anyway!! I am GOING to fit in them!! I even got a size 18 fitted small shirt... lol. I can't wait to wear this outfit, and while it will be a while.. it's good to have a goal like that. I am going to try on the outfit once a week or so until it fits. I can't wait to see the changes with it. I am excited. When I got home, I tried on a few outfits I had in my closet and found that a pair of jeans that I was trying to get into, are now a little loose, hehe. I wore them to work today, so that I can get some use of of them before they are too loose. I love that some of my clothes are feeling loose now. I am finally seeing the changes there. I tried on some of my jean shorts from last summer that were feeling rather snug at the end of the summer... and they are feeling good, some even loose now. Yay. I love this.

I am making a pile of clothes that are too big now, and I am getting rid of them. I decided that I am NOT keeping clothes for what if... I do not want bigger clothes, and I refuse to ever get back to where I need to wear them. Even if I decided that I am done losing weight, I am never going to stop maintaining the weight I have lost so far. I am not going backwards. That is something that I am really sincere about. I didn't work this hard for nothing. I am going to continue working hard.. and I am not looking back.

So before I started cleaning, I decided to go into the attic and get out some of my Easter stuff. Since I am hosting couple's night on Saturday, I decided I wanted to at least partially decorate. That took a while, but I am so glad I did it. I then cleaned the bathroom and most of the family room before it was time for survivor.. my plan was to finish at least the rest of the family room after survivor was over.

Survivor!! OMG! Was that not an awesome show. I was dying. When they had to go for what I thought was the reward challenge.. I thought for sure that when they stood on the disks, that there were rewards under certain ones. I never, in a million years, would have guessed that they were switching tribes. That was just too awesome, and I was screaming, OMG OMG... LOL. I couldn't believe it. They are really switching things up this time around, and I am so impressed. This has been a great great show this time around. I am so glad that Sarah got voted off, and I was so glad that Sarah and Rob ended up in different camps.. that was just too cool. And can I just say how much I hate Rob and Sean.. .What a bunch of losers there. Then when they showed the previews for next week, I was dying. The tribe that wins the reward challenge gets to raid the other tribe's camp.. they get so much time, and get to take anything they want!!!! When they showed them being told that, they were all gasping, it was just way too cool. I can't wait to see the show next week. It was funny cause my MIL and I were calling each other at the same time after the show was over. I am sure we will talk about it a lot at dinner tonight, giggle.

So Stephen had gone over to visit with his brother during survivor. He got home a few minutes before it was over. He asked me.. whatcha doing... I said, watching this.. he said, wanna go to the movies? It is rare that Stephen asks me to go to the movies. Really, it is not something he enjoys doing all that much, so I treasure the times we do go. We decided to go to the cheap show, since we both really wanted to see Ocean's Eleven and it was playing there. Can't beat it either... 1.75 each to get in. LOL. The movie didn't start until 9, so we listened to the Wolves game in the car for a few before we went in, giggle. That was fun too. The movie was great, and I really enjoyed myself a whole bunch. I love doing things like this with Stephen.. I am so glad he asked. We had a great time.

It was late when we got home, and I was tired. I went online to see if the Wolves had won, and they had.. yay!! That means they moved up in the standings.. so it was an important game. By the time I was done reading that, I was so sleepy, I just wanted to go to bed. So no humpy for us last night, but that's okay, cause our surprise date was even better, smile.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Cory didn't get to watch survivor yet. I am having fun torturing her, but it is so hard to not tell her what happened either. I so wanted to talk to her about it today, giggle. I can't wait until she watches!!!
  2. When I talked to my MIL last night, she said she was making Ribs for dinner tonight.. oh yum, she makes really great ribs. I am looking forward to dinner, giggle.
  3. I have to run out tonight to get a baby shower gift for this shower after work tomorrow. It is for a co-worker, one that I am so happy to see having a baby shower. She has gone thru so much... quite a few IVFs and lost pregnancies. To see her succeeding finally is so wonderful. I am so very happy for her and not even the littlest bit jealous. She deserves this so very much, and she worked so hard to be here. I am thrilled.
  4. It's also Must-See-Tv Night... but most of the shows are re-runs tonight. At least Charmed is new, giggle. Gotta watch that! Gotta clean some more tonight too.. I never did finish the family room, since we went to the movies.. but it's almost done. I am cruising along. Really my house isn't like dirty dirty anyway.. it's just little things that you only seem to do when you are having company, giggle.

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