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Scary Movies

Scary Movies...

March 22, 2002

Sometimes I am not sure why I bother watching scary movies.. I sit and hide my head for half of them, giggle. We rented joy ride tonight. Cory had seen it at the movie theatres with some friends, and she said it was good, but scary. I thought that maybe Stephen would watch it with me, but he has been too engrossed in March Madness these days, so I was on my own. I could have waited and got it when Chrissy was going to be here, she loves scary movies.. but I was stuck watching it on my own. It was good, and I did hide my face for a lot of it.. but I watched it all, so that was an accomplishment, hehe.

Speaking of accomplishments. I weighed myself with my new scale tonight. With just my nightgown on, I was at 200.. woo hoo. I was 203 with all my clothes, lol, I can't believe that my clothes weigh 3 pounds, hehe. I even stood on the scaled holding my clothes in my arms, and yup.. 203. Stephen was laughing at me. Hell, I was laughing at me. I tell you, I almost decided not to get another scale, but Stephen wanted me to, and well, I couldn't resist... now if I can resist weighing myself 100 times a day, I will be lucky.

Speaking of lucky, I am listening to the Wolves game on the radio and getting frustrated. The other team is getting some pretty lucky calls.. like a counted goal when the net was clearly off. Hello, what are these refs looking at. We went from a 2-0 lead after the 1st period, to a 3-3 tie in the middle of the 2nd. Still time to win... giggle. I have faith.

So I haven't gotten much done tonight that I wanted to get done.. I did go grocery shopping for tomorrow though, and I wasn't planning on doing that until tomorrow morning, so I guess I am ahead in that area. I figure that I can get up in the morning and get most everything done before people start coming over. I am really looking forward to it. It's going to be a fun day/night.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Okay, the wolves are down by 1 now.. but I still have faith. I am a sucker sometimes, giggle.
  2. Jen is coming over early tomorrow to work on our recipe pages. Well, maybe. It depends on what happens with Don coming. I really do hope that Don comes though..because this is our first couples night with them. It will be fun.
  3. Man, with all the changes on the Wolves roster, I am having a hard time listening to the game. I better start learning these players, giggle.
  4. My mom called today and was looking at Cruises for May. They want to take Stephen and I.. but we have to look at our schedules at work, and hopefully we will be able to do it. That would be sooooo awesome. I am not going to get excited though, until I know we can go. Yah, that's the way to do it.
  5. I didn't get to use the elliptical today and boy was I bummed. I had made Tonya and Cory a deal.. how much time we would do on it, and I wasn't able to do anything because other people were using the machines. I did 50 on the treadmill, so I still had a good workout, but still....

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