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Try Harder
03-27-2003, 9:30 p.m.

I have been getting to bed a little late this week, and it's really caught up with me, I am so tired and ready for bed right now. I am sure though, that once I get there, I will be wide awake and unable to go to sleep. That is the way it usually goes. Hopefully though I will get some sleep. We have been working this week from 7-3:30 and probably will as often as we can this quarter. Stephen doesn't have lab this quarter so it's really the only time that we are able to work these cool hours, so we might as well take advantage of that. I wish we could do it everyday, but there are some days that I have to be there until 4, so it doesn't work out, but at least we don't have to work until 5 at all this quarter. It means getting up early though, and still having to work out at night, but I really have been enjoying getting home earlier too.

We had dinner with Stephen's parents tonight, over at Gerald and Michelle's house with the kids. They have been babysitting every other Thursday, so it's fun getting to see them more often. Plus Nicole and Kathleen were there tonight which was fun too. We had fun playing with the worst one for a while. Nicole and I have been talking about getting together to go to the gym together (remember she bought a membership months ago, and she rarely uses it, hehe), or at least getting together to walk at night. I tell you, it must be *connect with your SIL week*, hehe, not that I am complaining mind you.

I had a wonderful email from Sharon today, one which brought tears to my eyes. In a good way of course. It's funny how you think you know how someone feels, or what they are thinking, and then later on you find out that you were way off track on that all along. I guess that is why you should never assume that you know what is going on with other people. I guess that sometimes you just never know. That is why talking is so important. I don't always make the effort that I should in certain areas of my life, and I really am going to try harder in those areas. It's funny because I guess I say that often. I really do have good intentions most of the time. I guess we all do, but then life has a way of getting in the way. There are so many things I want to try harder with. Baby steps... I guess that is a good way to start.

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