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Rainy Days Make Me Blue (Sometimes)
03-28-2003, 7:31 p.m.

Today has been so rainy and blah, all day longgggg. I don't know what it is, but sometimes rainy days can make me so blah. Some days I just love rainy days, but others, I hate them, and today was a hate them kind of day.

On the way home from work, Stephen and I stopped to rent some movies. I got the movie club movie for the month, and I also got 2 other movies that I had been wanting to see... so in a little bit here, Stephen and I are going to lay down to watch our movies. I guess rainy days are good for something, hehe. Right now I am listening to the wolves game on the radio (it's that time of year when I totally keep up with them, hehe). Okay, I am sorta cheating though, because the game is on the radio, but it is on a 30 minute tape delay, but I have it pulled up on the website too, so I am able to see the score 30 minutes ahead of what I am listening to. Stephen laughs at me when I do stuff like that, but hey, it takes the stress off a little.. giggle.

Tomorrow morning, I am going to go to Jen's for a couple of hours to visit. I haven't seen her in weeks, so I am really looking forward to it, plus it will be nice to get to visit with her SIL who is in visiting. She is a great lady and I enjoy visiting with her whenever she comes in to visit (from NC). Jen and Don are downtown tonight, they went to see Yanni and they are spending the night at a hotel downtown. Don took Jen out for a special dinner as well, and it was nice to see Jen so excited about it. They rarely do stuff like this, so it was good for them, and I hope that they are having an awesome time. I can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow. I am going to go over early to visit with Kevin and the kids before they get home.

Tomorrow night, Stephen and I are going to the wolves game. We are also going to the game on Wednesday with Chuck and either Chrissy or June.. we had free tickets to that game, and we invited them. Then next Saturday we are going to the game with our friend Pete (from work) and his wife Chris. We (Pete and I) have talked about going to a game together for yearssss now, so I am really excited about that. It's going to be an awesome time, and hopefully it will be the first of many. We really like them a lot, and it would be nice to spend time with them more often.

Okay, I am off to cuddle with my man as we watch movies on this dreary rainy night. Actually, that will be fun, so I shouldn't complain, hehe.

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