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The Weekend
03-30-2003, 8:49 p.m.

What a strange weekend it's been. I haven't really felt too well for most of it, which made some of my plans not seem too much fun, and there are many things that I didn't do that I wanted to do, but yet, the things that I did do, were okay, and I did enjoy them. I really didn't feel like doing anything at all though, but there were some things that I just couldn't get out of.

I ended up not going to Jen's yesterday. I just didn't feel up to it at all, but in a lot of ways I regret not going. I really wanted to see Kevin for one, and I feel bad that I didn't. I know that they understood though, which helps, but still.

Today we had to go to Stephen's aunt, Ruth's 70th birthday party. My head was killing me when we got up, and Stephen offered to go without me, but I knew he really wanted me to go, so I did. We were only going to go for a little bit, and then leave to go to Stephen's basketball game, but once we got there, Stephen's family talked me into staying there. Stephen left for his game, but I stayed for the rest of the party and then Kevin drove me (and Stephen's parents) back to their parents house. Stephen was waiting for me over there. We got back a little later than we planned, and then we had a surprise over there. Stephen's aunt and a bunch of his cousins that we haven't seen in a couple of months were all over to visit. It was nice visiting with them. Stephen's mom invited us all to stay for dinner, but I wanted to get home because Jen was going to stop by on her way to the airport with Kevin. I thought she said around 4ish, but when we got in the car, I saw there was a message from her, saying that they would be over that way around 3:30. I was sad, because I really had hoped to see them, but it just didn't work out. I guess it was one of those things.

Stephen and I came home and made dinner together, and I've mostly been laying around reading my book. I have read a lot this weekend, which is a good thing since I only have a few days to finish our book club's monthly pick. I was a bit behind as I was waiting on a copy to become available at the library. Good thing I am a quick reader. It's a great book though, so that helps too.

We have to be to work tomorrow at 6:30 for an exam, so I am thinking of heading to bed early. That sounds so good. I still don't feel all that great either, my head is killing me, so maybe that is a good plan. First though, I told Stephen that I would walk with him to the video store. Well at first he asked me to take a ride over there with him, but I said I would go if he walked, hehe.. so he said ok. He rarely goes for walks with me, so I am going to enjoy this.

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