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13 years
11-08-2004, 10:49 p.m.

13 years! Stephen and I have been married for 13 years today. In some ways that is just so unreal... and in some ways I really can't remember what it was like before we were married. I just know that I am so happy and that I am looking forward to the next 13 years.

We went out to dinner tonight. Nothing too special, but to mark the occasion. He offered to let me plan whatever I wanted, but we have a lot coming up, and I didn't really want to do too much. We are going to do something special for our 15th, and that is good enough for me. Well, given that it was my choice, I would hope so. He gave me money as my gift, and told me to buy whatever I wanted, so I went and got a new pair of good gym shoes. Because today was also my first day back in the gym. I know, I know.. one of these days I am really going to get it right. I think that my present to him is that I am going to really start taking care of myself again. I think that it is important. Well I also got him a gift-gift too, lol... but you know, gotta find any reason to stick with this.

Well, time to go cuddle with him and go to bed. It's been such a nice day and I really am so happy. It is such a good feeling knowing that you have that one person that you can count on for anything and everything. That one person you can and do share it all with. I know that I can tell him anything and he will be on my side. I know that no matter what, he is going to love me. How could I not be happy with that, it's a wonderful thing.

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