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Trying Yet Again
11-09-2004, 7:43 p.m.

Okay, here we go again. 2 days in a row.. it's a start. I've not been doing quite so great with the water/food thing, but I figure one thing at a time. We went to the gym, and once I get back in that habit, I can start with the others. I even started with weights and boy am I feeling that. Sore does not even begin to describe how I am feeling. I *am* going to get up and go tomorrow... I am, I am, I am. I think that what screws me up is exam days. Obviously since I have to be to work by 6:30 on those days, I can't work out before work, and I really have a hard time convincing myself to go at night. So, I am *really* going to try to work out at work on those days. Maybe that will be what will keep me on track. I did so well when I began last time, working out at lunch time. I am willing to try anything.

I took the afternoon off today and I really enjoyed just having some time to myself. Sometimes we need that. I didn't do anything really, worked on some cards and other crafty stuff... but it was nice to just not be at work for a couple of hours. I am in such a great mood tonight because of it.

Not much else going on, but I am trying to update more often too, even when it's boring updates. I am really tired, its always hard to get used to getting up early to work out again. I know that it will be okay in a few days though.

Can you believe how close it is to Christmas? Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away and Christmas is right around the corner from that. I am having a hard time getting into the holiday mood, but I am getting there. I've been working on Christmas cards for the past few days, so that is a good thing. It will be time to send them out before I know it. I really *should* start working on my shopping too... hate all that last minute, can't find what you want stuff. One way to avoid that... get started earlier.

Friday night my family is coming over for dinner. We are celebrating my SIL's birthday.. oh yah, I better go make her a card (even though I did mail her one last week - her birthday was Sunday), but I don't mind making a second one. Saturday is Andy's 1st birthday party.. man, can you believe that a year has gone by already and that he is going to be one. That is just so amazing to me... probably more so to Cory though.

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